Engage Arlington
Current Engagement Opportunities
Arlington 2050: Envisioning Tomorrow Together – A Postcard from the Future: Imagine you live, work, and or play in Arlington in the year 2050—and you love it! What makes it great? What's new? What's the same? What does the ideal Arlington look like to you? Share your vision about the future of our community!
PARK(ing) Day on Sept. 20: PARK(ing) Day is a community collaboration to temporarily transform parking spaces into small parks. Your group or organization can turn a single curbside parking space into a parklet. Rethink how we use public space, be creative, and have fun! Learn more about PARK(ing) Day here, and submit your parklet concepts by August 31!
Shirlington Bus Station Expansion Study – Feedback Form through Sept. 22: Share your experiences using the Shirlington Bus Station to help staff understand how folks utilize the Station. This feedback will be considered as part of a larger feasibility study to assess the possibility of and address the need to expand the Station’s bus bay area for future service demand. Learn more on the project page.
RiverHouse Site Plan (1111 Army Navy Drive) - Feedback Form through Sept. 22: The Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) is seeking community input about a proposed site plan at 1111 Army-Navy Drive also known as RiverHouse. You're invited to review project materials and provide comments online.Visit the project web page for more information.
S. Carlin Springs Road Pedestrian Improvements – In-Person Open House on Sept. 24, 6:30-8:30 p.m.: Join project staff at Kenmore Middle School to learn more about the past, present, and future projects to improve safety and access on South Carlin Springs Road between Arlington Boulevard and Columbia Pike. More information on the project page.
Centerline Hardening Pilot Project - Feedback Form through Sept. 25: The Vision Zero team is asking for feedback from the community on the 5 centerline hardening pilot locations that were installed this past spring/summer. Centerline hardening is a safety tool for slowly turning vehicles and increasing visibility of pedestrians at intersections. Arlington has been piloting centerline hardening at: Clarendon Blvd at N Rhodes; Fairfax Blvd at N Randolph St; Columbia Pike at S Dinwiddie St; Columbia Pike at S Four Mile Run Dr.; and Shirlington Blvd & S Kenmore St/24th Rd S. Help the Vision Zero team identify next steps for the pilot. English | Español | አማርኛ | Монгол | 中国人 | العربية
Long Bridge Drive Multimodal Connection - In-Person Open House on Sept. 26 and Feedback Form through Sept. 29: The proposed multi-use trail would connect the Crystal City and Pentagon City neighborhoods with the Mount Vernon Trail and the future Long Bridge walking and biking connection to Washington DC. Please review the Concept Design, along with two focus areas where multiple concepts were developed for your input. Learn more here, then share your online feedback here or attend the Open House on Sept. 26, 5 - 7:30 p.m..
North Glebe Road Bridge Replacement - In-Person Public Hearing on Oct. 28: The Virginia Department of Transportation is hosting a public hearing on the North Old Glebe Road bridge over North Glebe Road (Route 120). Review the project information online here, and join at Discovery Elementary School on Monday, October 28 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Arlington Blvd. Safety Improvements - In-person Public Hearing on Oct. 30: Join the Virginia Department of Transportation for a design public hearing on Wednesday, October 30 from 6:30 - 9 p.m. at Alice Fleet Elementary School. This project will make improvements along nearly a mile of Arlington Boulevard (Route 50) between Glebe Road (Route 120) and Fillmore Street (Route 6622) based on recommendations from the Route 50 Arlington STARS study. Learn more online here.
Active Fairfax Transportation Plan - Feedback Form through Dec. 20: Fairfax County is working to combine the Fairfax County Bicycle Master Plan and the Countywide Trails Plan, and is seeking comments to ensure a safe, comfortable and convenient network of active transportation options and trails. Take a look at the draft map and give your feedback online on the ActiveFairfax Transportation Plan page. Survey feedback and comments will be accepted through December 20.
Understanding the Needs of Veterans and Service Members in Arlington: Arlington County’s Military and Veterans Advisory Committee (MVAC) is interested in hearing from members of the military, veterans, and their families who live and/or work in Arlington about types of programs, services, and resources that could be helpful. Click here to participate so that we can explore programs and services that may better serve our Veteran and Active Military Community.
Safe Homes, Safe Relationships - Feedback Form in English or español: Share your feedback with Project PEACE on any experience you may have been using, looking for, or if you are referring people to resources for those impacted by domestic/intimate partner violence and sexual assault in Arlington County. Your feedback is confidential. Results will help enhance and improve services for everyone in the county.
Sarah Tracey
Director of Public Engagement
Office of Communications & Public Engagement