Major Corridors Development Tracking
One of the pillars of Arlington’s planning and smart growth strategy is to focus high-density development along major transportation corridors while preserving lower density in residential neighborhoods. These reports document trends in Arlington’s primary planning corridors — Columbia Pike and the Rosslyn-Ballston and Richmond Highway (Route 1) Metrorail Corridors.
Corridors Development Update
This update on corridors development summarizes the office space, retail space, residential units, and hotel rooms that are completed, approved and under construction. It also includes a summary of development activity for the fiscal year ending June 30.
Development in the Metro Corridors
This report documents the history of development in the Metro Station Areas since 1960, including major commercial and residential development. It includes a detailed map for each of the seven Metro Station Areas in Arlington County, with project information including address, completion date, building heights, parking, office and retail square footage, and number of residential and hotel units.
Major Planning Corridors Demographic Trends
This report examines trends in Arlington’s major planning corridors using the 2008-2012 American Community Survey five-year estimates. It includes data on population, density, age, diversity, education, income, commute time and more.
Demographics by Major Planning Area
Data from the 2010 U.S. Census highlights demographic information for the County’s three major planning corridors, including total population, race and ethnicity, age, household information, employment, income and housing information.