26th Street Outfall Repair


3837 26th St North, Arlington, VA   View Map



BackgroundOutfall 26th.JPG

The outfall at the end of 26th St North was failing and in poor condition.  A temporary repair was completed in 2019.  This project will complete the repair by replacing the outfall, installing stone around the outfall for stabilization, re-lining the storm water pipe to extend the life of the pipe, and re-landscaping the work area when the project is complete. 

Construction Schedule

The project will begin in October, 2023 and take approximately three months to complete.  The contractor will access the outfall for repair from N. Randolph St.  After the outfall repair is complete, the contractor will complete the lining of the storm sewer pipe from N. 26th St.  The pipe relining work is expected to take three days. 

Project Plans

Project Plan Document(PDF, 42MB)