Plan Langston Boulevard Documents
Study Overviews and Reports
Input Received on September RTA Draft Plan and October Final Draft Plan
Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan Feedback
Staff has prepared an overview of the public input received on the June 2023 Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan. Feedback was received at in-person gatherings, through letters and emails, and in an online feedback form. Feedback from each of these sources is included in this report. Graphs depict answers to the questions posed in the online feedback form. Key takeaways and topics discussed in person are also highlighted throughout.
Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan Communications and Engagement Overview(PDF, 2MB)
In the upper left-hand corner of the report webpage, click on the icon with three lines and dots and expand the table of contents feature to navigate through the report.
Below is the raw data:
Preliminary Concept Plan Feedback
Staff has prepared an overview of the public input received on the Preliminary Concept Plan in 2022. Feedback was received during virtual meetings, at in-person gatherings, through letters and emails, and in online feedback forms. Feedback from each of these sources is included in this report. Graphs depict answers to the questions posed in the online feedback form. Topics discussed in person, and common themes and sample feedback from write-in comments are also highlighted throughout.
2022 Communications & Engagement Overview(PDF, 3MB)
In the upper left-hand corner of the report webpage, click on the icon with three lines and dots and expand the table of contents feature to navigate through the report.
Below is the raw data:
Community Meetings on the Preliminary Concept Plan
The Plan Langston Boulevard team held a series of virtual community meetings to answer questions, listen to feedback, and discuss the PCP.
PLB Neighborhood Improvements and Benefits Feedback Form
In early 2022, the community shared which corridor-wide objectives and neighborhood improvements and benefits were most important to them. There were 561 responses.
Feedback Form Results Chart(PDF, 94KB)
December 13 Community Meeting
A virtual community meeting was held on Monday, December 13, 2021 to discuss topics of interest and concern to the communities living and working along Langston Boulevard. More than 300 people tuned in over the two and a half hour meeting.
View meeting recording | Slides(PDF, 8MB)
View chat transcript(PDF, 226KB)
Land Use Scenario Analysis Feedback
Summary of the Feedback
Staff has prepared a Summary of the Feedback(PDF, 11MB) received for the entire corridor, organized by topic. This document also includes a summary of the feedback received by neighborhood area.
Below is the raw data collected for the entire corridor and each neighborhood area. Feedback was provided in the form of survey responses, neighborhood area meeting comments, and direct email outreach.
Meeting Documents
Neighborhood Area Meetings: Land Use Scenario Analysis
April 22 – May 27, 2021
- Area 2: Presentation and Panel Discussion (April 22)
- Area 2: Community Meeting (April 29)
- Area 3 & 4: Presentation and Panel Discussion (May 6)
- Area 3 & 4: Community Meeting (May 13)
- Area 1 & 5: Presentation and Panel Discussion (May 20)
- Area 1 & 5: Community Meeting (May 27)
Community Forum Meetings
January 27 and 28, 2021
Community Workshop Meeting Materials
January 31-February 1, 2020
Presentation Videos:
Presentation Documents:
Visit the Updates page to see feedback (in-person and online) by neighborhood.
Community Forum Meeting: Existing Conditions Analysis
November, 2, 2019
Working Group Meeting: Existing Conditions Analysis
July 10, 2019
Working Group Meeting: Existing Conditions Analysis
June 19, 2019
Educational Forum
June 8, 2019
Working Group Meeting: April Focus Groups and Existing Conditions Analysis
May 8, 2019
Neighborhood Focus Groups (Sign up for future focus groups here!)
April 8-11, 2019
Working Group Meeting: Kick-off Debrief
March 21, 2019
Community Kick-off
February 12, 2019
Community Forum & Working Group Meeting #1
January 30, 2019
County Board Meeting
September 25, 2018
Archived Documents
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