38.85505202265965, -77.0512117170613
The 5.6-acre site is located at 2101 and 2111 Richmond Hwy in the Crystal City neighborhood. The site is located in the middle of the Crystal City block that is bounded between 28th Street S. on the north and 23rd Street S. to the south; Richmond Highway to the west and Crystal Drive to the east. The site is currently developed with the Crystal Plaza Apartment buildings. It is within the boundaries for the Crystal City Sector Plan. ,
Arlington, VA 22202
The 5.6-acre site is located at 2101 and 2111 Richmond Hwy in the Crystal City neighborhood. The site is located in the middle of the Crystal City block that is bounded between 28th Street S. on the north and 23rd Street S. to the south; Richmond Highway to the west and Crystal Drive to the east. The site is currently developed with the Crystal Plaza Apartment buildings. It is within the boundaries for the Crystal City Sector Plan. ,
Arlington, VA 22202
2101-2111 Richmond Highway-Crystal Plaza Apartments