Affordable Housing Master Plan Review

The County completed a review of the Affordable Housing Master Plan (AHMP) in March 2022. The AHMP establishes the policy framework and vision for a broad range of housing efforts, ranging from “bricks and mortar” projects, to services to prevent and end homelessness, to affirmatively furthering fair housing. Its three overarching goals are:

  • Arlington County shall have an adequate supply of housing available to meet community needs.
  • Arlington County shall ensure that all segments of the community have access to housing.
  • Arlington County shall ensure that its housing efforts contribute to a sustainable community.

As an element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan, the AHMP is typically reviewed every five years. The AHMP review answered three fundamental questions:

  1. How have the housing needs changed in the community since adopting the Affordable Housing Master Plan?
  2. What progress has the County made towards achieving the goals and objectives of the Affordable Housing Master Plan?
  3. How can the County better achieve the goals and objectives of the Affordable Housing Master Plan? 

Each of these questions was addressed through the following documents:

The review concluded with the 2022 Affordable Housing Master Plan Implementation Framework(PDF, 628KB), which identifies the activities and programs that the County will employ to achieve the goals, objectives, and policies of the Affordable Housing Master Plan.

Implementation Framework Questions & Answers

What is an Implementation Framework?

An Implementation Framework focuses the County’s actions in response to adopted policy. An Implementation Framework for a policy identifies the activities and programs that the County will employ to achieve that policy. 

What is the difference between the Affordable Housing Master Plan and the Implementation Framework?

The Affordable Housing Master Plan is an element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan, which is mandated by the state. It establishes what the County aims to achieve in respect to affordable housing. The Implementation Framework identifies how the County will attempt to achieve the policy established in the Master Plan.  

Why is the Implementation Framework being updated?

Most of the recommendations set forth in the previous Implementation Framework have been acted upon. This Implementation Framework is the result of the Affordable Housing Master Plan review  – a process driven by the question: How can the County better achieve the goals, objectives, and policies of the Affordable Housing Master Plan? This update to the Implementation Framework is the response to that question. 


Why is the Implementation Framework a separate document from the Affordable Housing Master Plan?

The Affordable Housing Master Plan is adopted by the County Board – the elected policy makers. The Implementation Framework is an administrative document that is guidance from the County’s executive, the County Manager, to staff. 

How has this Implementation Framework changed from the previous version?

The affordable housing goals, objectives, and policies established in the Affordable Housing Master Plan have not changed, but there is a shift in focus in this implementation plan informed by data, community priorities, and recent experiences. The current plan has a greater focus on:

  • Affordability for extremely low and very low income households; 
  • The quality of Arlington's committed affordable housing inventory; 
  • Racial equity; 
  • Tenant services; and 
  • Rethinking our approach to homeownership.


When will the actions recommended in the Implementation Framework be executed?

Some of the recommended actions are currently underway, while others can be implemented immediately. The County is likely to take near-term actions within one to two years, while other actions are likely to occur in three to five years.




Additional Resources

Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Kick Off: Housing Needs Analysis

  • This event included a presentation by Jeannette Chapman, Deputy Director at the Stephen S. Fuller Institute at George Mason University that contained:
    • An overview of Arlington’s Housing Needs Analysis
    • Characteristics of Arlington County’s population
    • Current housing affordability and housing needs throughout Arlington
    • Housing demand forecasted through 2045 based on the most recent population and jobs patterns
  • View meeting recording
  • Housing Needs Analysis Presentation

Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Webinar: Five-Year Report

  • As a follow-up to the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Kick Off, this webinar was:
    • An introduction to the Five-Year Report: a progress report on meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the Affordable Housing Master Plan; and
    • An overview of what has been accomplished and what still needs to be completed in the Affordable Housing Implementation Framework.
    • An opportunity for participants to ask follow-up questions and submit comments for future consideration.
  • View meeting recording
  • AHMP 5-Year Review Presentation