Art Studios The studios at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center offer a variety of opportunities for artists of all ages and skill levels to learn and practice their crafts in a safe and inspiring environment.Learn more about programs offered.
Art Classes Arlington County strives to provide you with unique opportunities to play, learn, create, and have fun! Learn more about our classes.
Art Events Celebrate your next birthday, shower or anniversary right here in Arlington! Choose a creative party and our staff will guide your group through a unique, exciting, and playful experience!
Art Camps This summer, help your child discover a new talent and practice an artistic skill by registering them for an art camp near you. Our creative camps are for children ages 5-8, 8-11, and 12-16. Learn more about our camps.
Paint, Build, Create! Paint, Build, Create is an annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (S.T.E.A.M.) special event brought to you by the Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation.
FAQs Find answers to common questions about our Art programs, TJ Art Studio and Enjoy Arlington art classes.