CANCELED: Police Host Don’t Press Your Luck Anti-Drunk Driving Event

Published on March 09, 2023


CANCELED (March 17, 2023) Due to the inclement weather, the Don't Press Your Luck anti-drunk driving event has been canceled. No matter the weather, ACPD reminds you to arrive home safely after drinking--whether it’s by using a ridesharing service, taxi, public transportation, or designated sober driver. The Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) will continue to offer free Lyft rides from 4:00 p.m. today through 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. For more details visit WRAP's webpage. 

ARLINGTON, Va. – Although Irish in its roots, St. Patrick’s Day is known to be widely celebrated in the United States. This year, St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Friday which means more people will be out celebrating, and, unfortunately, some will make the dangerous choice to get behind the wheel after drinking – a choice with potentially deadly consequences for you, your passengers and every other traveler sharing the road with you. If your celebration includes alcohol, it’s essential you plan ahead with a sober ride home. This St. Patrick’s Day, help us spread the message that Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving.

According to data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 11,654 people were killed in drunk-driving crashes nationwide in 2020. On average, more than 10,000 people were killed each year from 2016 to 2020 — one person was killed in a drunk-driving crash every 45 minutes in 2020. This is why the Arlington County Police Department is working with NHTSA to remind drivers that drunk driving is not only illegal, it is a matter of life and death.

Don’t Press Your Luck Event Information

As part of the Department’s anti-drunk driving educational efforts, the Arlington County Police Department is hosting an interactive event highlighting the impacts alcohol has on motor skills -- because even one drink is one too many to get behind the wheel. This event is free and open to the public.

DATE: Friday, March 17
TIME: 8-10 p.m.
LOCATION: N. Hudson Street at Wilson Boulevard in Clarendon

Motorists should be on the lookout for temporary “No Parking” signs in the event area. Illegally parked vehicles may be ticketed or towed. If your vehicle is towed from a public street, call the Emergency Communications Center at 703-558-2222.

SoberRide® Program

The Washington Regional Alcohol Program’s (WRAP) 2023 St. Patrick's Day SoberRide® program, in partnership with Lyft, will be offered from 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 17 until 4:00 a.m. Saturday, March 18, 2023. For additional information on WRAP's program to ensure area residents have a safe way home on high-risk holidays, visit their website.

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