Additional Resources

Census 101

View quick reference guides about the 2020 Census and find out why it’s essential that everyone is counted.

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Census 101 ( Español )
2020 Census At a Glance
How the Census Invites Everyone
Census Confidentiality (Español)
Shape Your Future (Video)
How to Take Census Guide in 59 Languages

Partners Tool Kit

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Check out these cool resources (fact sheets, videos, and more) available for Arlington Census partners to use, 
to get the word out about the 2020 Census

Census Jobs

Be A Census Taker (Overview)

Learn More About 2020 Census Jobs

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Response Outreach Mapper

The Response Outreach Area Mapper (ROAM) application was developed to make it easier to identify hard-to-survey areas.

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Census in Schools

Educate your students about the value and everyday use of statistics. The Statistics in Schools program provides resources for teaching and learning with real life data. Explore the site for standards-aligned, classroom-ready activities.

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