Site Clearing Plan for North Side Salt Storage Interim Structure

As of Aug. 31, 2018:

Site Clearing Plan

Site clearing at the 25th St N and Old Dominion Dr salt tank site to begin as early as next week (first week of September)

Site clearing will involve tree and vegetation removal. Staff is working on reducing the land disturbance in an effort to increase preservation and the chance of survival of more trees.

  • Current design preserves the 22-inch Willow Oak closest to Old Dominion.
  • 30-inch Black Locust close to Old Dominion will not be removed. Protection measures will be implemented to maximize the tree’s chance of survival.
  • 24-inch Willow Oak will be removed because it is directly in the footprint of the temporary structure.
  • 3 additional trees will not be removed and will be evaluated after construction.
  • 2 trees along east side of the proposed structure are in very poor condition and will be removed; three neighboring trees previously slated for removal will not be removed.