Demolition of the old North Side Salt Tank at 25th Street North and Old Dominion Drive The old salt tank was demolished and removed from the site in January 2019.
The North Side Salt Tank on County property at 25th Street North and Old Dominion Drive is a critical piece of infrastructure that holds salt storage capacity to maintain public safety on our roads during the winter months. A recent structural evaluation determined that the North Side Salt Tank has reached the end of its life and is no longer safe to operate.
Existing salt dome structure
The County is pursuing an aggressive schedule to replace the tank, and is exploring rezoning four parcels on the 25th Street North and Old Dominion Drive site to build the temporary structure.
Example of proposed interim salt storage structure
Previous plan presented to County Board, July 18
Placement as of July 27
Site overlay, Aug. 31
Overlay – stormwater features, Sept. 18
Overlay – asphalt limits, Sept. 18
What about the redevelopment of the 26th Street North and Old Dominion Drive site?
On Sept. 22, 2018, the Arlington County Board unanimously adopted a charge for a master planning task force for the entire 7.6 acre site. The County remains committed to a long-term engagement process for the site redevelopment of Old Dominion Drive. The separate, long-term planning process will include a permanent salt storage structure for the site.
Media Inquiries Alyson Jordan Tomaszewski 703-228-0549