January, 2022 - The contractor will begin setting up the Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) around the site, including the closure of part of one lane on Lexington St. Neighbors may see some excavators working on-site to do some initial grading and to create access roads on the site. The dewatering contractor will begin work in early January (to remove water from the construction area), and that work will take about 3 weeks.
February, 2022 - One of the first steps in the stormwater vault construction is the installation of support structures for the area that will be excavated. The initial phase is anticipated to begin in February for the larger vault with both driving and drilling piles in the ground. This work will last 4-6 weeks. This work will result in a fair amount of noise on site and construction will continue to take place within the County mandated work hours.
March, 2022 - The contractor will complete the pile driving in late March. Excavation will also continue on vault #1.
April, 2022 - The contractor will continue excavating Vault #1. The contractor has placed a gravel layer on the bottom of the vault excavation in preparation for the placement of the concrete vault modules. The pre-cast concrete modules were initially scheduled to arrive in mid-April, but will now start arriving in May.
May, 2022 - The first concrete modules arrived on site on May 10th. The contractor will use the concrete modules to assemble the stormwater vault as they arrive on site.
June, 2022 - Delivery of concrete modules will continue. The contractor will continue assembling the larger stormwater vault.
July, 2022 - Delivery of concrete modules will continue. The contractor will continue assembling the larger stormwater vault.
August, 2022 - Delivery of concrete modules will continue. The contractor is nearing completion of construction of the larger stormwater vault, and has started backfilling soil on top of the larger vault.
September, 2022 - The contractor continue assembly and backfilling of the larger stormwater vault.
October, 2022 - The contractor will complete construction and backfilling of the larger stormwater vault. The contractor will begin excavating the area for the smaller stormwater vault and may begin placing some modules for the smaller vault.
November, 2022 - The contractor has excavated the area for the smaller vault and has started placing the vault modules. The smaller vault should be complete by late November/early December.
December. 2022 - The smaller vault is complete. The contractor will be completing the vault connections to adjacent storm pipes and covering the vault with soil.
January, 2023 - The contractor is completing the final grading for the site and will be installing a stormwater filtration device where water flows into the vault. The contractor will change the Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) controls on N. Lexington St, and removing some of the concrete barriers to reopen portions of both lanes for traffic. There will still be an area around the site construction entrance that will be closed to traffic as the contractor completes the final tasks at the site. There will be sufficient space for two way traffic to travel by the construction entrance. Although the jersey barricades will be removed, we continue to urge drivers to avoid the area, if possible, and to exercise caution when driving past the construction site.
February, 2023 - Washington Gas is re-locating a gas line on N. Lexington St. This work should take 3-4 weeks. This work is in preparation for a short term project to install a new stormwater pipe on N. Lexington St.
March, 2023 - The vault contractor will be installing top soil and sod to restore the athletic fields above the vaults. A new section of storm sewer pipe will be installed on N. Lexington St. to direct water into the new storm sewer vault. This work will begin in mid-March and will finish in May.
April, 2023
The contractor will remove the barriers within the storm system to make the vaults operational during the first week of April. The contractor will continue to place sod on the athletic field and complete other site restoration activities.
A separate project is underway to install a new segment of stormwater pipe on N Lexington St, between 18th Rd N & 18th St N. This work will begin near the intersection of N Lexington St & 18th Rd N and will progress southward along N Lexington St. N. Lexington St is closed to through traffic for safety reasons because of the depth of the excavation for the pipe. Local vehicular traffic and pedestrian access to the eastern sidewalk will be allowed at all times.
May, 2023
The contractor has completed the installation of the new storm pipe in N. Lexington St and connected the new pipe to the vault. The final step for this project will take place in the intersection of N. Lexington St and 18th St. The contractor will be moving a section of sanitary sewer pipe that is in the way of the new storm pipe, and connecting the new storm pipe to the existing storm sewer on 18th St.
This work will take place on 5/24-5/26 and 5/30-6/7. N. Lexington St. between 18th St and 18th Road will be closed to through traffic for those dates. Local traffic will be allowed at all times. Flaggers will direct traffic through the intersection of N. Lexington and 18th St.
June, 2023
The vault project reached substantial completion on June 5th. The athletic fields will remain fenced and closed to public use over the summer to allow the sod to become well established. The fields will be available for use in the fall.
N. Lexington St between 18th Road and 18th St will be re-paved in August.