Army Navy Drive Complete Street



Construction of the Army Navy Drive Complete Streets project started in July 2023 and is anticipated to reach completion in late 2025.

Project Location

This project is located in the Pentagon City neighborhood, on Army Navy Drive, between South Joyce Street and 12th Street South.

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Traffic Impacts During Construction

Construction will proceed from end to end of the project site within each phase of the project. During this time, travelers should expect lane and sidewalk closures, bus stop relocations, and slower traffic.

Beginning August 2024, a permanent closure of the outside lane along the south (eastbound) side of Army Navy Drive is required to construct the two-way cycle track. Additionally, many of the driveway entrances along the Joyce-Hayes, Hayes-Fern, and Eads-12th St. blocks will be reconfigured for improved safety and efficient operation. These areas will be marked with maintenance-of-traffic (MOT) measures including barriers (e.g., cones, barrels, etc.) and signage to help ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety. 

Summer-Fall 2024

Phases 2A and 2B:

For the extent of Phase 2A, the righthand lanes and adjacent sidewalks in each direction will be partially closed while the curbs and sidewalks are being demolished between South Joyce Street and South Fern Street. These traffic management measures will help facilitate installation of new traffic signals, storm structures, curbs and sidewalks in the active work zones.

For the extent of Phase 2B, the two-way bike track will be constructed in segments from S. Joyce St. to 12th St. S. through late fall 2024.

About the Project

The project will rebuild Army Navy Drive within the existing right-of-way as a multimodal complete street featuring enhanced bicycle, transit, and pedestrian facilities. The goal of the project is to improve the local connections between the Pentagon and the commercial, residential and retail destinations in Pentagon City and Crystal City.

Army Navy Drive - 2022.jpg

Watch the project video

Phase 1 - Demolition of Medians and Roadway Pavement

Crews will demolish the medians on Army Navy Drive, starting at South Joyce Street to the west, and progress eastward to the project terminus at 12th Street South.

The demolished medians will be rebuilt in Phase 3.

AND CS - Phase 1.png

Phase 2A & 2B - Sidewalks, Streetlights, Protected Bike Lanes

Phase 2A: Crews will work on the streetlights, drainage, and curb & gutter, along the sidewalks on Army Navy Drive in the project area. The plan is to work in a counterclockwise direction, starting at the southeast corner of Army Navy Drive &  South Fern Street, proceeding eastward on the southern side of Army Navy Drive, then returning westward on the north side. 

The traffic signal equipment at the five signalized intersections will be replaced with new equipment.  

AND CS - Phase 2A.png   

Phase 2B: The reconstruction will provide a physically separated two-way protected bicycle lane facility along the south side of Army Navy Drive, in addition to shorter and safer pedestrian crossings, and will accommodate future dedicated transit lanes. 

AND CS - Phase 2B.png


Phase 3 - New Medians

Crews will install new striped medians as part of the reconfigured Army Navy Drive. 

AND CS - Phase 3.png

Phase 4 - Road Surface Work

The reconstructed Army Navy Drive will feature enhanced intersections to be safer for pedestrians and cyclists crossing the streets, and improved infrastructure for buses.

AND CS - Phase 4.png

Phase 5 - Striping, Markings, Signage and Landscaping

New markings and signage will bring greater visibility to this comprehensive multimodal facility.

AND CS - Phase 5.png


The project began working through a detailed traffic operations analysis in summer of 2015. This study evaluated the multimodal travel impact of the proposed improvements on the surrounding future 2020 and 2040 Pentagon City and Crystal City street network. The traffic analysis was approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation in December 2017. Based on the recommendations and results in the final analysis, the project’s working concept plan was updated to enhance the multimodal access and mobility of the Army Navy Drive project corridor.

Project Timeline:

  • Final design submission – Fall 2021
  • Bid/Contract document preparation – Fall 2021
  • Bid advertisement – Winter 2021-22
  • Completion of easement acquisitions – Winter 2021-22
  • Construction start - Spring/Summer 2023
  • Anticipated construction completion - Late 2025

Connections to Other Projects

This project will extend the Crystal City Potomac Yard Transitway into Pentagon City by adding one dedicated transit lane in each direction along Army Navy Drive between South Joyce Street and South Hayes Street.

And the project will link to the future two-way bicycle lane facility planned for South Clark Street between 12th Street South and 15th Street South and the future South Eads Street protected bike lanes.

Public Process

The County engaged with the public at different phases of the planning process for the Army Navy Complete Street project. See archived documents and comments below.

October 2022 Groundbreaking Ceremony

On October of 2022, Arlington County officials, representatives from state and regional transportation agencies, and business organizations broke ground to mark the beginning of construction on the Army Navy Drive Complete Street project.




November 2020 Design Public Meeting

The County held a design public hearing on Nov. 18, 2020. The hearing was held as a virtual/online meeting via Microsoft Teams.

Public comment on the project was collected by phone, email, mail, and in-person by appointment.


June 2019 Open House

An open house was held on June 25, 2019, at the Aurora Hills Branch Library. The online feedback form closed on July 12, 2019.

Open house materials
30 Percent Design Plan- includes street cross sections and summaries of changes from the 15% design
Exhibit 1 - Bike Network
Exhibit 2 - Design Features
Exhibit 3 - Existing Conditions
Exhibit 4 - Crash Summary
Exhibit 5 - 2040 AM Traffic Data
Exhibit 5 - 2040 PM Traffic Data
Exhibit 6 - Schedule
Exhibit 7 - What We Heard


January 2018 Design Work Shop

Community Briefings

Staff introduced the project to the Arlington County Bicycle Advisory Committee in December 2017 and the Crystal City Business Improvement District in January 2018 to solicit feedback on the design.

In June 2019, staff presented the 30 percent design plan to the Bicycle Advisory Committee 

Read the Presentation



Design Plans


Project funding includes local and federal sources, regional funds from the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, and private developer contributions.