View the Multimodal Safety Engineering Toolbox (pdf)
View the Multimodal Safety Engineering Toolbox (web format)
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Toolbox Documents
- Multimodal Safety Engineering Toolbox(PDF, 17MB) – The full document contains a detailed introduction section and 2-page fact sheets for all 40 tools.
- Executive Summary(PDF, 1MB) – These pages from the full document summarize key information from the introduction and includes a matrix of all 40 tools with graphics, a short description, estimated crash reduction, cost, and implementation timelines.
- Annual Tool Counts(PDF, 257KB) – These documents summarize where certain tools are being used in Arlington. They are updated each year as part of the Vision Zero Annual Report.
Purpose & Background
This Multimodal Safety Engineering Toolbox was initiated in Arlington’s first five-year Vision Zero Action Plan under Action Item B7: Multimodal Safety Toolbox. The purpose of this Toolbox is to:
- Inform internal and external stakeholders about safety improvement options and their appropriate uses and contexts,
- Highlight available tools for improving safety to a community audience using non-technical and easy-to-understand language,
- Facilitate communication between staff, contractors, developers, and the community specifically relating to transportation safety improvements, and
- Create a shared understanding and realistic expectations around safety treatments.
Format & Content
The first-generation Multimodal Safety Engineering Toolbox includes 40 tools, organized into five categories: Crossings and Signals, Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities, Transit Facilities, Speed and Traffic Management, and Other Road Design Elements.
For each tool, the Toolbox includes a graphic and written description of the tool’s primary purpose, implementation considerations, the expected reduction in crashes based on research (where available), and planning-level cost estimates and timelines for implementation.
The Toolbox does not replace engineering analysis, feasibility evaluation, and design. It does not include specific design guidance; consult the Reference subsections in the Toolbox and Existing Guidelines section on this page to learn more about the standards and specifications for each tool.
Using the Toolbox
Through the public engagement conducted as part of the development of this resource, we heard a number of great ideas from Arlington Commissions, Committees, APS, and the General Public on how to use the Toolbox, including suggestions to:
- Use frequently to advocate for safety projects and a safer multimodal transportation system
- Use as a resource for advocacy and to contribute to discussions about transportation
- Use to support applications for neighborhood street projects and create a shared understanding during project discussions
- Use during review of site plans for large scale developments and to inform requests for developers to improve the multimodal transportation system
- Use to ensure safer, more comfortable, multimodal access to parks and trails
- Use to promote tools that encourage low-carbon forms of transportation like walking, bicycling, and taking transit
- Use to advocate for tools that make the transportation system safer and more accessible to users of all ages and abilities
Updates & Revisions
The Multimodal Safety Engineering Toolbox is meant to be a “living document,” and is anticipated to be revisited as part of the annual Vision Zero program meeting. The Toolbox will be updated to include new tools and references as they become available.
Public Engagement on the Toolbox
The draft (English | Espanol) Multimodal Safety Engineering Toolbox was posted to our website and made available for review in early 2022. The release of the draft document was paired with an online form and a virtual meeting was held to collect feedback (view the presentation slides(PDF, 4MB) | ver diapositivas de presentación(PDF, 4MB)). The questions posed on the online form and at the virtual meeting asked respondents about their understanding of the Toolbox’s purpose, whether it was easy to understand, the usefulness and format of the information presented, and how they might use the Toolbox in the future. Additional comments were sent to county staff via email during the comment period.
View the Public Engagement Summary(PDF, 2MB)
The Toolbox scored 7/10 on ease of understanding. Most people found the format of the Toolbox to be clear. About 50% of respondents thought the visuals were effective. More than 50% of respondents felt videos or animations of how the tools work would make the content easier to understand.
There were mixed responses about the level of detail provided for each tool: some respondents wanted more detail; others wanted the resource to be more concise. Respondents indicated that Safety Benefits and Expected Crash Reduction are the most useful pieces of information.
Based on the feedback received, we:
- Adjusted to reflect the disaggregated / additional tools
- Provided consistent illustrative graphics
- Identified plans to assess efficacy of tools over time (i.e., before/after studies)
- Rearranged sections to ensure it is cohesive and easy-to-follow
- Created an easily-digestible executive summary
- Reviewed language to remove excess words/ensure plain language
- Quality checked format and consistency issues
- Created a definitions section that gives descriptions of key terms
The project team presented the final draft at meetings of the Transportation Commission and Planning Commission in Fall 2022.
Automated safety enforcement is a nationally recognized tool to encourage red light compliance, lower speeds, and promote safety. In 2021, Arlington adopted the Vision Zero Action Plan that has identified automated safety enforcement as a tool that could improve safety on Arlington streets for drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists and people using other modes of transportation. This page provides information on Arlington’s two active automated safety enforcement programs: PhotoRED and PhotoSPEED.
Automated Safety Enforcement 2024 StoryMap
Pay a Ticket
Red-Light Safety Cameras (PhotoRED)
2024 PhotoRED Infosheet(PDF, 362KB)
2024 PhotoRED Infosheet en Espanol(PDF, 374KB)
Red-light safety cameras detect and record images of vehicles that run red-lights at intersections with traffic signals. The goal of PhotoRED is to improve safety at intersections.
PhotoRED uses photo enforcement to:
- improve driver compliance with traffic signals,
- monitor red-light violations,
- enhance crossing safety for people walking, biking or scooting,
- reduce the risks involved in the red-light violation enforcement of large intersections, and
- support the department's key initiative of transportation safety by using technology to reduce traffic-related collisions and injuries.
More information can be found on Arlington Police Department’s PhotoRED Website and in the Vision Zero Multimodal Engineering Safety Toolbox.
Red Light Camera Locations:
- Live & Ticketing:
- Eastbound & Westbound Columbia Pike at S Glebe Road
- Northbound N Glebe Road and N Fairfax Drive
- Northbound N Glebe Road at Washington Blvd
- Northbound N Lynn Street and Eastbound Langston Blvd
- Southbound Fort Myer Drive and Westbound Langston Blvd
- Southbound & Northbound Richmond Highway at 23rd Street S
- Westbound Washington Blvd and Langston Blvd
- Ticketing begins Sept 1, 2024:
- Eastbound and Westbound Columbia Pike at S Washington Blvd
- Westbound Langston Blvd at N Spout Run Pkwy and Southbound N Spout Run Pkwy at Langston Blvd
- Eastbound and Westbound 10th St N at N Barton St
- Westbound Langston Blvd at N Lynn St
- Ticketing begins Oct 3, 2024:
- Westbound Wilson Blvd at N Lynn St and Northbound N Lynn St at Wilson Blvd
- Westbound Langston Blvd at Eastbound I-66 Exit 72 Offramp
Under current Virginia state law, jurisdictions are permitted to have one red-light safety camera per 10,000 residents. This means that Arlington could be permitted to operate red-light safety cameras at about 23 to 24 intersections in the County.
Red-Light Safety Camera Placement:
The Department of Environmental Services (DES) and the Arlington County Police Department collaborate on site selection and analysis. Arlington selects locations for red-light safety cameras based on the following factors:
- Crash rate; including vehicles, pedestrians, and/or bikes,
- Red-light violation rate,
- Pedestrian safety, and
- The difficulty in conducting enforcement at the location through traditional methods.
After data for each intersection is reviewed, the top potential locations are selected for the program contractor to conduct a multi-day, site-specific analysis of the location to confirm the need for a camera.
Graphic: Flow Chart of Red Light Selection & Review
Program Background:
In 2007, Virginia passed legislation allowing state and local law enforcement to use photo red-light cameras to enforce red-light violations. The County Board adopted the necessary changes to the County code and PhotoRED, Arlington’s red-light safety camera program, was implemented in 2010.
For more information, please visit ACPD’s PhotoRED website.
Speed Safety Cameras (PhotoSPEED)
PhotoSPEED 2024 Launch InfoSheet(PDF, 329KB)
PhotoSPEED Lanzamiento del programa en 2024(PDF, 365KB)
Speed safety cameras are a type of automated safety enforcement technology that detect and record images of vehicles traveling faster than the posted speed limit. The goals of speed safety cameras are to deter speeding, reduce the likelihood of severe crashes, and improve overall safety on roads.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that speed safety cameras can reduce crashes by up to 50%. Plus, studies in Montgomery County, Md., and Washington, D.C., found that the share of drivers speeding by 10 mph or more dropped 70% and 82%, respectively, 6 to 8 months after speed safety camera installation. In Rockville, Md., speed safety cameras reduced crashes by 35% and speeding by 50%.
More information on how speed safety cameras operate can be found on Arlington Police Department’s PhotoSPEED website and in the Vision Zero Multimodal Engineering Safety Toolbox.
Speed Safety Cameras Locations:
Arlington County currently has 10 speed safety cameras:
- NB 1300 block of N. Kirkwood Road
- WB 5800 block of Wilson Boulevard
- SB 400 block of N. George Mason Drive
- SB 600 block of S. Carlin Springs Road
- SB Unit block of S. Carlin Springs Road
- SB 1900 block of S. George Mason Drive
- NB 1900 block of S George Mason Drive
- SB 1200 block of S. George Mason Drive
- EB 4500 block of Washington Boulevard
- EB 5200 block of Yorktown Boulevard
Virginia law restricts speed safety cameras to school and work zones. Arlington is launching its speed safety camera program in 2024 with a focus on school zones.
There are over 40 school zones in Arlington County. The school zones in Arlington are divided into two types of zones in the Arlington’s School Zone Guidelines(PDF, 749KB); dynamic zones and static zones:
- Dynamic School Zones are on arterial streets and are dynamic, beaconed school zones where a reduced speed limit is applicable during arrival and dismissal times. These arterial streets typically involve higher volumes, speeds, and activity. Speed safety cameras are an appropriate tool for arterial streets due to their higher volumes and speeds.
- Static School Zones are on neighborhood streets and are static, signed zones where a permanent 20MPH speed limit is applicable all day, every day, year-round. These neighborhood streets are typically characterized by lower traffic volumes and speeds. To help reduce speeding on neighborhood streets, the County is currently expanding the tactical speed hump pilot project.
Speed Safety Camera Placement:
The Department of Environmental Services (DES) and the Arlington County Police Department collaborate on site selection and analysis. We will be actively reviewing and assessing the school zones to determine the safety impacts of the cameras to guide the development and future of the PhotoSPEED program.
Arlington selects locations for speed safety cameras considering the following factors:
- Whether there is space to install a camera unit,
- Crash rate; including vehicles, pedestrians, and/or bikes,
- Vehicle speeds and volumes,
- Equity emphasis areas, and
- Number of school walk zones along the school zone roadway.
Graphic: Flow Chart of Speed Safety Camera Selection & Review
Program Background:
In 2020, Virginia passed legislation allowing state and local law enforcement to use speed safety cameras in school and work zones. Staff across County transportation, police, schools, and members of the Police Practices Work Group collaborated to develop a proposal to the County Board to adopt the language into the County Code, which was approved in 2022.
For additional information, visit ACPD’s PhotoSPEED website.
Staff recently finalized Arlington's school zone guidelines(PDF, 749KB), which include specifications for setting speed limits in school zones. Per the Vision Zero Action Plan, staff updated Chapter 14.2 of the County Code to allow for permanent 20mph speed limits on neighborhood streets within 600 feet of a school access point. Over the past three years, we have been working to retrofit all school zones in the County (both public and private) to meet the new guidelines. See below for school slow zone and school zone retrofit updates or view the School Zone Updates StoryMap.
View the School Zone Updates StoryMap
Phase 1 School Zone Retrofits (Spring 2022)
In Winter/Spring 2022, the County retrofitted and installed 20mph school slow zone demonstrations at 13 schools (Phase 1). The retrofits included reviewing all existing school zone speed limits and ensuring high visibility crossings and school zone signage within the school zone, as well as identifying and installing 20MPH speed limits (at all times of day) on neighborhood streets within 600ft of a school access point. The retrofits/demonstration school slow zones were installed in early 2022.
Phase 1 Demonstration Information & School Zone Maps
View the 1-page flyer on the school slow zone demonstration (Phase 1) projects: English(PDF, 456KB) | Español(PDF, 457KB) | አማርኛ (PDF, 530KB) | العربية(PDF, 570KB) | Монгол(PDF, 536KB)
Phase 2 School Zone Retrofits (Spring 2023)
In late spring 2022, staff collected community feedback to learn about community experiences and observations during the demonstrations. Community feedback indicated that many people felt safer walking, biking, and driving because of the new school slow zones. Before/after speed data was inconclusive due to data collection errors. New data collection is in progress. View the 2022 Demonstration School Slow Zones Feedback & Program Update(PDF, 289KB) for details.
In response this community feedback, Arlington enhanced enforcement, signage, and communications in the next round (Phase 2) school slow zones. DES, APS, and Police are continuing to evaluate results and refine the program as the County implements additional school slow zone demonstrations/school zone retrofits in winter and spring 2023, following Board approval of an amendment to Chapter 14.2 of the County Code to adopt the 20mph school slow zone policy.
Phase 2 School Zone Maps(PDF, 3MB)
View the 2023 (Phase 2) School Slow Zone Flyer(PDF, 442KB)
Tactical Speed Humps in School Zones Pilot (Launched 2023)
Following speed data collection on Phase 1 school slow zone locations, staff launched an initiative that reintroduces speed humps via a limited pilot focused on reducing speeds in school slow zones where data shows the introduction of 20mph speed limits has not lowered speeds. The pilot will use tactical speed humps because they are easy to both install and remove quickly if needed. They are cost effective, tested for durability, and made from 100% recycled material. Locations are focused on Staff collected speed data on segments that were viable candidates for speed humps within the Phase 1 school slow zones and selected the three locations with the highest speeds for the pilot:
- Cardinal Elementary School: 19th St N btw. N Madison St & N Lexington St
- Hoffman Boston Elementary School: S Queen St btw. 12th St S and 13th Rd S
- Gunston Middle School: S Lang St btw. Arlington Ridge Rd and 28th St S
Due to the safety benefits expressed by community members and the significant reductions in speeding recorded via 2024 data and feedback collection, the County will expand the tactical speed hump safety pilot to three additional sites in fall 2024.The County will conduct another round of before/after speed data and community engagement following the pilot expansion. Using this information, we will determine next steps for the pilot locations and general guidelines for speed humps. View the Round 1 Community Engagement & Data Collection Summary. The 2024 pilot expansion (anticipated for summer/fall 2024) will include the following roads:
- Thomas Jefferson Middle & Alice Fleet Elementary Schools: S Irving St btw. Arlington Blvd and 2nd St S
- Drew Elementary School: 22nd St S btw. S Monroe St and S Kenmore St
- Claremont Elementary & Wakefield High Schools: S Dinwiddie St btw. S George Mason Dr and S Chesterfield Rd
View the Vision Zero Pilot Projects page to learn more.
Phase 3 School Zone Retrofits (Spring 2024)
Arlington just completed the installation of the third and final phase of school zone retrofits / school slow zones. In 2023, Staff met with faculty at each of the 19 remaining/Phase 3 schools to confirm the school slow zone segments and discussed other school-specific transportation safety concerns. We then inventoried each school zone and finalized signage/marking plans for each retrofit. Phase 3 school zone retrofits were installed in spring/summer 2024. Now that all school zones meet Arlington's school zone guidelines(PDF, 749KB), we will focus on encouraging and enforcing school zone speed limits through the tactical speed humps pilot and the upcoming launch of Arlington’s school zone speed camera program
Phase 3 School Zone Maps(PDF, 5MB)
View the 2024 (Phase 3) School Slow Zone Flyer(PDF, 444KB)
View the School Zone Updates StoryMap
Traffic gardens, also known as traffic playgrounds and traffic parks, are safe spaces for children and families to learn the rules of the road and bicycle and pedestrian safety tips away from street traffic. Arlington County partnered with Prince George's County, MD, to advance regional roadway safety through a newly-released design and installation guide for traffic “safety” gardens. The joint project was funded by a $35K technical assistance award through the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) Regional Roadway Safety Program and supports the Counties’ Vision Zero initiatives to eliminate traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.
The traffic garden guide is titled: “Planting Seeds for Regional Roadway Safety, One Traffic Garden at a Time” and includes step-by-step instructions to plan for and install various types of traffic gardens (including mobile, pop-up, and permanent traffic gardens). The traffic garden guide also features local and regional stories involving traffic gardens, and contains supplemental materials such as checklists, worksheets, and activity sheets. The intent is for anyone to pick up the guide and implement a traffic garden, no matter the space or resources.
View the Traffic Garden "How-to" Guide Here(PDF, 12MB)
The joint project was spotlighted on the MWCOG website in February 2023, and the much-anticipated guide was showcased in a panel presentation by panelists from both Arlington and Prince George’s Counties during the League of American Bicyclists 23rd National Bike Summit in March 2023. Both Counties look forward to building more traffic gardens and encouraging other groups and individuals to do the same.
Action item B6 of Arlington’s Vision Zero Action Plan outlines the County’s approach to designing streets and trails to be safe for all users. Pursuant to this, the County will update existing design standards and guidelines and create new ones to reflect the fact that safety is our top priority. These guidelines will be kept up-to-date to reflect the latest safety research, standards and best practices from across the country, and to include lessons learned from systemic crash analysis.
The County recognizes the importance of responding swiftly to safety issues, so these guidelines are intended to be flexible and allow staff to exercise some discretion in determining the most effective solutions for each individual situation.
The links below share existing guidance for safety treatments, with more on the way.
- Bus Stop Guidelines (Updated March 2020): This manual lays out the guidelines for bus stops within the County, and emphasizes accessibility for disabled riders, consistency in the design of bus stops, safety for all road users, and convenience and comfort for transit riders.
- Marked Crosswalk Guidelines (Updated August 2021): This manual describes the guidelines for the design and placement of marked crosswalks, with a focus on safety, accessibility, and uniformity.
- Sign Installation Guidelines (Updated May 2020): This standard establishes requirements for the size and location of signage to maximize visibility and ensure uniformity and safety.
- “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” Guidelines (Updated January 2021): This document lays out guidance for selecting locations in which to install a “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” plaque at stop signs to maximize safety at intersections where criteria are met.
- In-Street Pedestrian Crossing Sign Guidelines (Updated January 2021): This manual lays out guidelines for the placement of in-street pedestrian crossing signs to promote pedestrian safety at unsignalized locations and/or marked crosswalks.
- Median Nose Guidelines (Updated March 2019): This manual sets out design and location specifications for median noses at crosswalks, with an emphasis on pedestrian safety and accessibility. It provides options for the installation of measures at or near median noses to increase driver awareness to eliminate driver confusion and/or collisions with the median noses.
- Speed Feedback Indicator Sign Guidelines (Updated January 2021): This document describes guidelines for installation and use of Speed Feedback Indicator Signs, with an emphasis on discouraging speeding and promoting safety for all road users.
- Streetlight Installation Process (Updated 2020): This document examines the split ownership of Arlington’s streetlights between the county and Dominion and sets out guidelines for both the specifications of streetlights based on the situation in which they are to be installed and the installation process.
- Turning Vehicles Yield to Pedestrians Sign Guidelines (Updated January 2021): This document sets out guidelines for placement of these signs and focuses on ensuring that they are installed in locations to promote both pedestrian safety and efficient use of county resources.
- Multiway Stop Sign Guidelines(PDF, 122KB) (Updated November 2019): This document establishes warrants for placement of stop signs for multiple approaches at an intersection.
- School Zone Guidelines(PDF, 749KB) (Updated Aug 2024): This document provides basic guidelines for identifying school zone boundaries, determining the school zone speed limit type, and establishing the standard engineering tools applied within school zones to enhance safety and visibility.