Escape Plans

In the event of fire, time is the biggest enemy, and every second counts. In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can turn into a major fire. Have escape plans to get out of your home quickly. Practice E.D.I.T.H. — Exit Drills in the Home — with your family.


Creating Your Home Fire Escape Plan

  • Draw your home floor plan using a home escape plan template.
  • Label all the rooms and identify the doors and windows.  
  • Plan 2 escape routes from every room.
  • Provide alternatives for anyone with a disability.
  • Agree on a meeting place where everyone will gather after you have escaped.
  • Considering buying an Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL)-approved collapsible ladder to escape from upper story windows.

Practice Your Home Fire Escape Plan

  • Review your escape plan with everyone that stays in the house, including children.
  • Sound the smoke alarm.
  • Practice crawling low beneath the smoke.
  • Remember to check doors for heat with your hand; if a door is hot, do not open it.
  • Close the doors as you leave.
  • Practice with a collapsible ladder, if you have one.
  • Go directly to your meeting place; do not stop to find your pets or valuables.
  • Remember to GET OUT FIRST, then call 9-1-1 for help.
  • Practice your plan at least twice a year.

Additional Tips

  • If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop and roll until the flames are extinguished.
  • Replace smoke alarms older than 10 years.
  • Change the batteries in the smoke alarms, every 6 months (when you change your clocks).
  • Test alarms monthly by pushing the “test” button for 3-5 seconds.

If You Live in an Apartment Building

  • Learn and practice your building’s evacuation plan.
  • Know primary and secondary exits.
  • If you hear the fire alarm, leave immediately.
  • Use the stairs.
  • NEVER use elevators during a fire.