Red-Light Safety Cameras


Increase road safety and reduce serious injuries and fatalities caused by red-light running.


Red-light safety cameras detect and record images of vehicles that run red lights at intersections with traffic signals. The footage is then reviewed by law enforcement, who issues the tickets. The goal of this form of automated enforcement is to improve safety at intersections.

Safety Benefits

  • Improve driver compliance with signals / reduce red light running.
  • Monitor red-light violations.
  • Reduce traffic crashes and injuries at intersections. 
  • Improve crossing safety for people walking, biking, or scooting. 
  • Reduce the risks involved in the red-light violation enforcement of large intersections.
  • Operates 24/7.

View locations where this tool is installed in Arlington County

Street Types and Context

Applicable Street Types

All street types with traffic signals at intersections.

Other Location Guidance 

  • Crash rates, red-light violation data, pedestrian safety, and the difficulty in conducting enforcement at the location through traditional methods can be factors in assessing and identifying locations for automated enforcement.
  • An engineering safety analysis is performed for candidate intersections.
  • Locations must be physically able to accommodate a camera.
  • Red-light safety cameras are most applicable at intersections with a history of red-light running, red-light running related crashes, right-angle crashes, or crashes between a vehicle and a pedestrian or bicyclist.


Primary User Groups


Key Implementation Considerations

  • Install signage warning drivers within 500 feet of each red-light safety camera.
  • Virginia State Code § 15.2-968.1. allows localities to monitor one intersection for every 10,000 residents. According the U.S. Census, the estimated population of Arlington County is 238,643 (as of 2022 data). Therefore, Arlington County can monitor about 23 to 24 intersections.
  • While red-light safety cameras reduce the number of high impact side angle crashes, they may also increase the number of lower impact rear-end crashes in some locations.


Expected Crash Reduction

Red-light safety camera enforcement has been found to reduce all injury crashes 16% to 25% (Persuad et al. 2005, Hu et al. 2011).



Red-light safety cameras require a monthly operational fee. Additionally, a law enforcement officer must review footage to issue citations. Revenue collected from safety camera ticket fines is directed into the County’s general fund.



One to three years for identification and installation.

