Affordable Housing Study Documents

Master Plan Documents

Key Reports & Study Findings

Study Scope

Meeting Materials

Data from Arlington Public Schools

In July 2015, the County requested information from Arlington Public Schools to aid in understanding the relationship between committed affordable housing and school performance:

In August 2015, Arlington Public Schools responded to this request for information:

  • Cover letter to County Board
  • Data overview summary document
  • Detailed data

Civic Engagement Toolkit

Previous Goals & Targets

Working Group Materials

Learn more about the Working Group

The Study Working Group was appointed by the County Manager in 2013 to help shape the community vision for Affordable Housing in Arlington. It is comprised of 18 community members representing a diversity of interests and drawn from 12 County commissions and the broader Arlington community. The Working Group meets monthly, Task Forces drawn from Working Group members also meet to discuss specific topics and to develop recommendations.

Study Working Group Members

  • Leonard L. Hamlin, Chair, Faith-based community representative
  • Michael Spotts, Vice-Chair, Community Development Citizens Advisory Commission
  • Umair Ahsan, Tenant representative
  • Shelynda Burney-Brown, Nonprofit Housing Developer
  • Robert Bushkoff, Economic Development Commission
  • Richard Donohoe, Homeownership Working Group
  • John S. Grant, Transportation Commission
  • Linda Kelleher, Community Services Board
  • Joan Lawrence, Historical Affairs and Landmark Review Board
  • Dave Leibson, Ten Year Plan Task Force
  • Joe Onyebuchi, Housing Commission
  • Dave Peterson, Disability Advisory Commission
  • Saul Reyes, Community based organizations representative
  • Candice Rose, Commission on Aging
  • Steve Sockwell, Planning Commission
  • Kathryn Scruggs, Civic Federation
  • Dorris Topel-Gantos, For-profit Housing Developer
  • Ori Weisz, Tenant Landlord Commission
Working Group Focus Meetings

Focus meetings allow the Working Group to have discussions on content between the monthly Working Group Meetings

Task forces provide the Affordable Housing Working Group members with information for delving deeper into specific topics and developing recommendations. All task force meetings are published on the Housing Division and Housing Study calendars. Meeting materials for each affordable housing task force are published on this page.

Geographic Distribution
Home Ownership

Additional Resources