Crime Data Hub

The Arlington County Police Department's Crime Data Hub is designed to keep the community informed about criminal offenses reported in our community. In these dashboards and maps, you can search for criminal offenses over specific date ranges for specific areas, visualize how crime offenses have changed over time and query arrest data. The Crime Data Hub also includes links to additional resources designed to keep the community informed. The Crime Data Hub is updated weekly on Wednesday mornings and is designed for informational purposes. The data contained in the Crime Data Hub is preliminary and subject to change based on follow-up criminal investigations. A comprehensive database of annual crime reported in the Commonwealth of Virginia is available on the Virginia State Police (VSP) website.

About Crime Data

The Arlington County Police Department reports crime using the Federal Bureau of Investigations' National Incident-Based Reporting Systems (NIBRS). NIBRS data are reported as Group A Offenses and Group B/Other. Group A Offenses are separated into three categories: Crimes Against Persons, Crimes Against Property and Crimes Against Society. Additional information on what offenses are included in these categories and a definition of each offense is available through the FBI. For additional crime data information and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our Crime Data FAQs. Before getting started, read our Crime Data Hub User Guide.(PDF, 3MB)

**By clicking within the table, the Arrest Totals will filter to the selected value. To select multiple individual values, hold the Control key while selecting cells. To remove those filters, please click on the same selected cell(s) within the table, and the Arrest Totals will refresh.
Note: Address data indicate block numbers; not specific addresses and are offset in the map. Civic association boundaries are approximate and searches by civic association may display additional criminal offenses outside the boundaries.