The Arlington County Community Services Board (CSB) endorses the Arlington Department of Human Services (DHS) Equity Statement to address the issues of social justice and equity that impact our community. (Click for printable version(PDF, 222KB) .)
- Racial Equity
- Access
- Inclusion
- Authenticity
- Accountability
A just and equitable community that is healthy, safe, and economically secure, and free of systemic racism.
In solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), create equitable access to the resources and opportunities needed for every community member to be healthy, safe, and economically secure.
As the appointed citizen policy board responsible for providing mental health, developmental disability and substance use disorder services for Arlington citizens of all age groups,
We resolve to:
- Understand how the whole community benefits when the CSB includes multiple voices.
- Consider the impact of systemic racism on the mental health and wellbeing of our community.
- Welcome dialogue on the experiences, ideas, issues, and desires of the BIPOC community and reach out to citizens that we are not hearing from.
- Attend community group meetings and forums on a regular basis that have a diverse representation of historically marginalized people in order to build partnerships.
- Invite speakers and visitors to CSB meetings to share community concerns in the disability areas the CSB oversees.
- Actively and intentionally recruit representation from the BIPOC community on the CSB.
- Create space within the CSB to be an inclusive and welcoming environment that respects all voices and the lived experiences of its members.
- Employ targeted advocacy based on what we learn from the BIPOC community.
- Study data on the racial and ethnic composition of the CSB client population by area of age and disability and take steps to improve outreach, accessibility, services and address barriers to services for underserved populations.