About the Community Services Board


The County Board began the Arlington County Community Services Board (ACCSB) in 1968 meeting Virginia’s requirement to establish a Board of community members who play a significant role in the determination and oversight of mental health, developmental disabilities and substance use services.

How The Board Operates

In 1998, the County Board designated the ACCSB as an “administrative policy community services board.” Under this model, the County’s Department of Human Services is charged with the delivery and management of services while the ACCSB retains its role in policy determination, the direction of services and as an advocate of funding needs. The County serves as the fiscal agent for the ACCSB. To learn more about the relationship between the ACCSB and the County Manager, read the Memorandum of Agreement between the Arlington County Services Board and the Arlington County Manager.

The ACCSB is an active body made up of interested members of the community who are appointed by the County Board. The ACCSB meets monthly. Members also frequently participate in one of the committees established by the ACCSB that represent the major service areas. Within these committees are opportunities to provide evaluations of services and to influence budget requests or allocations.

The ACCSB is composed of a Chairperson, appointed by the County Board, and as many as 17 other members. The Executive Director of the ACCSB is the Deputy Director within the Department of Human Services. County staff are frequently called upon to report to the ACCSB.


Services are administered through the Arlington County Department of Human Services.

  • Adult Mental Health Services: Provides services to adults aged 18 and older with mental illness, and their families. Learn how to access these services. Call 703-228-5160 for 24-hour access to emergency mental health services.
  • Senior Adult Mental Health Services: Promotes and enhances independent living of adults aged 65 and older by stabilizing their mental illness or emotional disturbance. The program uses a multi-disciplinary approach to psychiatric treatment and includes comprehensive assessments, medication services, psychotherapy, case coordination, outreach and consultation. Home-based services are available.
  • Adult Substance Use Services: Provides services to adults who experience difficulties with alcohol and other drugs and their families.
  • Adult Developmental Disability Services: Provides services to adults aged 22 and older, and their families.
  • Child and Family Services: Provides services to children or youth who experience difficulties with mental illness, substance abuse or developmental disabilities and their families.


The Community Services Board (ACCSB) operates on a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year. For fiscal year 2019, the total budget for ACCSB-related programs was approximately $47.5 million. Of this total budget, local funds totaled $30 million, or 63.2%. The remaining 36.8% is made up of state funds ($12 million); federal funds ($1.76 million); and fees, and other revenue ($3.74 million).

Our Principles and Values

In fulfilling our responsibilities to our community for providing guidance and oversight for Arlington’s programs for individuals who experience mental illness or substance dependence, we of the Arlington Community Services Board (ACCSB) advance these principles and values:

Social Justice and Equity

CSB Board Logo.jpg

The Arlington County Community Services Board (CSB) endorses the Arlington Department of Human Services (DHS) Equity Statement to address the issues of social justice and equity that impact our community. (Click for printable version(PDF, 222KB) .)


  • Racial Equity
  • Access
  • Inclusion
  • Authenticity
  • Accountability


A just and equitable community that is healthy, safe, and economically secure, and free of systemic racism.


In solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), create equitable access to the resources and opportunities needed for every community member to be healthy, safe, and economically secure.

As the appointed citizen policy board responsible for providing mental health, developmental disability and substance use disorder services for Arlington citizens of all age groups,

We resolve to:

  1. Understand how the whole community benefits when the CSB includes multiple voices.
  2. Consider the impact of systemic racism on the mental health and wellbeing of our community.
  3. Welcome dialogue on the experiences, ideas, issues, and desires of the BIPOC community and reach out to citizens that we are not hearing from.
  4. Attend community group meetings and forums on a regular basis that have a diverse representation of historically marginalized people in order to build partnerships.
  5. Invite speakers and visitors to CSB meetings to share community concerns in the disability areas the CSB oversees.
  6. Actively and intentionally recruit representation from the BIPOC community on the CSB.
  7. Create space within the CSB to be an inclusive and welcoming environment that respects all voices and the lived experiences of its members.
  8. Employ targeted advocacy based on what we learn from the BIPOC community.
  9. Study data on the racial and ethnic composition of the CSB client population by area of age and disability and take steps to improve outreach, accessibility, services and address barriers to services for underserved populations.

Human Rights

We value the dignity of each individual and shall proactively protect his or her human rights. All our programs and services, including those through other public, private or non-profit agencies, shall comply with the human rights mandates of the Code of Virginia.

Individual Choice

The ACCSB will create an environment that allows for full participation by each individual in development of his or her treatment and service plan. Our goal is to achieve recovery and self-sufficiency to the maximum extent possible.

Community Integration and Independence

We shall provide opportunities for each individual to participate fully in our community, in the most integrated setting and with the maximum degree of independence possible. We consider opportunities to live and work in the community, and to benefit from the natural supports of family and friends, essential to the quality of life of each individual.

Best Practices and Continuum of Services

Our services shall be based on “best practice” and shall strive to meet the wants and needs of each individual served. We shall provide a continuum of services that will offer flexibility and take into account the different levels of functioning of each individual.

ACCSB Populations

We shall serve the populations defined by the ACCSB policies and as defined by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Family Support

We believe that families are the most important and accessible resource and support for individuals. We shall take all necessary and appropriate actions to maximize the involvement and participation of consumers and family members of consumers in policy formulation and service planning, delivery and evaluation. Further, we shall develop linkages for consumers and families to community-based resources of work, recreation, education, training, and advocacy.

Optimum Use of Resources

Services provided by the ACCSB shall be operated in a cost effective, efficient manner, where the quality/value of the service is high and where there is the highest return on investment. Services shall be accountable to the consumers and the taxpayers of Arlington.