Crime Report: November 6, 2018
Published on November 06, 2018
This report is published every weekday, except County holidays. The information in each report covers significant criminal incidents generally from the day before; reports published on Monday cover the preceding Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Some incidents may appear a day or two after the occurrence.
This report is not a comprehensive list of every police event in Arlington County in the stated time frame. Addresses shown indicate blocks and not specific addresses. For more information on crime in your area, visit our
online crime mapping tool.
Note: Information contained in the Daily Crime Report is generally based on initial reports made to the Police Department. Follow-up investigations may reveal different or additional information.
BRANDISHING, 2018-11050197, 1200 block of S. Courthouse Road. At approximately 7:13 p.m. on November 5, police were dispatched to the report of a brandished firearm. Upon arrival, it was determined that two motorists became engaged in a verbal dispute over merging lanes, when one driver pulled over, exited his vehicle, and following a verbal dispute, allegedly brandished a firearm and threatened the other driver. The suspect fled in his vehicle prior to police arrival. The suspect is described as a tall, black male, approximately 20 years old, with a skinny build, short hair, wearing a gray shirt and gray pants. The vehicle is described as a silver sedan with Maryland license plates. The investigation is ongoing.
ROBBERY, 2018-11050218, 900 block of S. Dinwiddie Street. At approximately 9:37 p.m. on November 5, police were dispatched to the report of a robbery by force. Upon arrival, it was determined that the victim was walking in the area when he was approached by four unknown suspects. The suspects allegedly surrounded the victim, threatened and pushed him, and stole personal possessions. A lookout was broadcast and arriving officers canvasing the area located three individuals matching the suspect description. One suspect was positively identified. Rudy Rivas Gomez, 24, of Arlington, Va., was arrested and charged with Robbery. He was held on no bond. Three additional suspects, described as two Hispanic males and one dark skinned male remain outstanding. The investigation is ongoing.
ATTEMPTED BURGLARY, 2018-11040075, 5800 block of Washington Boulevard. At approximately 7:39 a.m. on November 4, police were dispatched to the report of an attempted burglary. Upon arrival, it was determined that between 9:30 p.m. on November 3 and 6:30 a.m. on November 4, an unknown suspect(s) unsuccessfully attempted to force entry to a business, causing damage. There is no suspect description. The investigation is ongoing.
FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE, 2018-11050080, 2300 block of Crystal Drive
LARCENY, 2018-11050087, 9
th Street N. at N. Wayne Street
LARCENY, 2018-11050105, 900 block of Army Navy Drive
LARCENY FROM AUTO, 2018-11050154, 4500 block of 6
th Street S.
ASSAULT & BATTERY, 2018*11050159, 3500 block of Wilson Boulevard
LARCENY FROM AUTO, 2018-11050209, 4400 block of S. Four Mile Run Drive