Neighborhood Complete Streets - Shared Street Pilot Projects

Shared Streets refers to a series of design treatments that enable people walking, biking, and driving to share the roadway.

Many low-volume residential streets that were originally designed without sidewalks currently function as shared spaces, where people walk, bike and drive in the roadway. Through specific roadway treatments and targeted design enhancements, the shared space, low-speed, and low-volume nature of the current street can be reinforced.



About the projects

Arlington has neighborhood streets with no sidewalks. Some of these streets have challenges that make building sidewalks difficult, including insufficient right-of way, topography, parking demand, and tree preservation.

To help address demonstrated safety and access issues on these street types, the Neighborhood Complete Streets Program is piloting a Shared Street environment on neighborhood streets using durable temporary materials.

View the Informational Flyer here(PDF, 153KB)

Pilot project locations

All pilot project locations were nominated by community members, evaluated by County Board-approved program criteria, and recommended by the Neighborhood Complete Streets Commission for design and public engagement. More information on the process is available on the Neighborhood Complete Streets Program webpage.


Public Process

Neighborhood Complete Streets projects follow Arlington County's Six-Step Guide for Public Engagement. While individual project schedules may vary, this is a general timeline for these types of projects. Please see individual project pages for specific details.

Winter 2022/23 - Project Selection

The Neighborhood Complete Streets Commission selected these streets from the list of ranked and nominated streets. The street segments ranked highly because of their crash history, proximity to schools, commercial corridors, and transit while also lacking sidewalks.

The three shared street pilot streets have characteristics that make providing a sidewalk challenging. These include limited public right of way, difficult terrain, and/or high parking demand.

Fall 2023 - Existing Conditions Engagement


  • Learn more about shared streets and how potential projects were selected
  • Share your experiences of the street today using the online feedback form and interactive map

The project team will use your feedback, existing plan guidance and other information to develop concept plans for each location.

Spring 2024 - Concept Design Engagement


  • Learn how community feedback helped inform the concept design and share feedback on the proposed design
  • Staff host a public meeting (virtual, in-person or via pop-ups) to discuss the concept designs for each corridor
  • An online feedback tool allows you to leave open-ended comments on the project concept and get your thoughts on how they will impact your experience while travelling

Input gathered will help evaluate and refine development of a final concept.

Late Spring 2024 - Final Designs and NCSC Funding Hearing


  • Community-informed final designs will be shared with the public
  • The Neighborhood Complete Streets Commission will consider these projects for recommendation to the County Board at their Funding Hearing

Summer 2024-Winter 2025 - Pilot Implementation & Monitoring

Summer 2024 - Communicate

  • Final plans are implemented and any impacts during construction are communicated
  • Staff conduct observations to ensure each corridor is functioning as intended

 (PDF, 153KB)View the Informational Flyer here.(PDF, 153KB)

Fall 2025 -Consult

  • Share your experiences of the street after implementation using the online feedback form

Winter 2025 - Communicate

  • Project team shares results of the public feedback and data collected from the field