N Sycamore Street Complete Streets Project


In Design

Project Location

North Sycamore Street between Langston Boulevard and 19th Street North in the East Falls Church neighborhood.


The County has developed a final concept design based on planning guidance, corridor data, coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and community feedback. The concept design is now undergoing preliminary engineering, coordination and review with relevant partner organizations, such as VDOT and WMATA, and other adjacent property owners. Procurement is anticipated in fall 2026.

More information on the final concept design can be found under "Public Process" below.

About the Project

North Sycamore Street presents intersection crossing challenges for bicyclists and pedestrians. Recommendations along this street were included in the 2011 East Falls Church Area PlanThe 2019 adopted Bicycle Element of the Master Transportation Plan recommends North Sycamore Street as an enhanced bicycle facility between Williamsburg Boulevard and the East Falls Church line. In the same year, the County received another TLC grant to study a major gap in the Washington and Old Dominion (W&OD) trail-rail in East Falls Church. Read the final report. This project may include interim solutions, where feasible, to improve the crossing at 19th Street North. In the FY22 adopted CIP, funding sources were identified to improve bicycle and pedestrian access. More information: East Falls Church Planning at a Glance

This project will be coordinating with:

Public Process

Winter 2022 - Existing Conditions Engagement


Community members were asked to share their experiences of the current street via an online interactive map. This feedback, along with other data and planning guidance, will help staff formulate a concept design.

Fall 2022 - Concept Design Engagement


Community members were invited to learn more about the project, review the concept design, see how community feedback informed the design, and share their feedback.

Meeting materials

Feedback summary

Input shared on the concept design helped the project team evaluate and refine a final concept.

Fall 2023 - Public Notice on Proposed Limited Access Control Changes


The Arlington County Department of Environmental Services accepted comments regarding the proposed limited access control changes for the N. Sycamore Street Complete Streets Project from October 6 to October 22, 2023. The project proposes to change the alignment of the trail spur at the southeast corner of the intersection of N. Sycamore Street and 19th Street. As a result, this project will involve changes in limited access control.


  • Project visual showing the proposed trail spur alignment and the change in limited access control

Winter 2024 - Final Concept Design


Using feedback from the two community engagements, staff have refined a final concept design. 

Final concept summary

  • Learn what was shared in the second engagement.
  • See the changes between the initial concept design and the final concept design.

Final concept plan

  • See the plan view of the entire corridor.

The project is funded with VDOT revenue sharing and local funds.