N Lorcom Lane and N Military Road Improvements
Lorcom Lane (from Old Dominion Drive to North Taylor Street/Vacation Lane) and North Military Road (from Lorcom Lane to Old Dominion Drive), Arlington, VA 22207 View Map
Lorcom Lane (from Old Dominion Drive to North Taylor Street/Vacation Lane) and North Military Road (from Lorcom Lane to Old Dominion Drive)
View Map
These two projects were implemented as part of the 2020 paving season. Community engagement and feedback occurred during the 2019 paving season. The schedule change was due to coordination with construction and work around Dorothy Hamm Middle School.
About the Project
As part of routine repaving work within the County, staff have selected final remarking plans to improve North Lorcom Lane and North Military Road as complete streets.
The remarking plans will improve safety by reducing conflicts between people driving and people biking through enhanced pavement marking and signage designs.
- Lorcom Lane between Old Dominion Drive and North Taylor Street/Vacation Lane
- Military Road between Lorcom Lane and Old Dominion Drive
Public Process
April 2020 - Online Meeting
Restriping plans informed by community feedback, plan guidance and additional data were shared at the 2020 Resurfacing Projects for Complete Streets online meeting.
June 2019 open house
An open house was held on June 27, 2019 at the Cherrydale Branch Library. Community members were invited to review the remarking plans, chat with staff and provide feedback. An online comment form closed on July 12, 2019.
Meeting materials:
Photo Gallery