Lorcom Lane Safety Project


Lorcom Lane, Arlington, VA 22207  View Map

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In Design

The Lorcom Lane Safety Project team is advancing the final concept design for engineering design development, and is working on outreach to property owners directly impacted by future construction.

LLSP_Lorcom Lane at Quebec 24th.jpg

 About the Project

The Lorcom Lane safety project will deliver multimodal safety improvements on Lorcom Lane from 24th Rd North / North Quebec Street to Nelly Custis Drive. This project originated through community-reported transportation safety concerns, crash data, and the results of the Vision Zero Pilot Safety Project on the north side of this corridor.

The project will deliver improvements that address the following issues:

  • Continuity of sidewalks on both sides of Lorcom Lane
  • Widening existing sidewalks to conform with Americans With Disabilities Act standards
  • Resolving alignment issues with the intersection of N. Quebec Street and Lorcom Lane
  • Reducing pedestrian crossing distances throughout the corridor
  • Addressing documented safety issues at the intersection of Lorcom Lane and Nelly Custis Drive

Additionally, public input helped us identify other issues present in the corridor that will be addressed by the project.

Project Basis

Planning guidance from this project comes from the following County Board-adopted plans and policies:

Master Transportation Plan
Vision Zero Action Plan
  • Vision Zero policies call on County Transportation staff to take a proactive approach to safety, to eliminate severe and fatal crashes from our transportation network by 2030
  • Crash data analysis from the Vision Zero Action plan showed that higher vehicle speeds more frequently result in more severe or fatal crashes

Additionally, the corridor is part of the school walk zone for Dorothy Hamm Middle School, and adjacent to a pre-school hosted by a faith-based organization at the intersection of Lorcom Lane and Nelly Custis Drive.

Public Process

There has been one pilot project and two capital project public engagement opportunities to share input on the corridor and subsequent concept design. The details of all public engagement opportunities for this project are shared here. 

Fall 2024 - Final Concept Design

The project team finalized the concept design for the project corridor and is now advancing this design through engineering and construction plan development. A final concept design exhibit is below, along with a prepared presentation slide deck for review. This includes an updated schedule for project delivery, which has changed from our last public engagement outreach.


Fall 2023 - Concept Design Engagement

In November 2023, the project team shared a conceptual design for the project corridor. This design was developed using feedback we received from the community last year, along with safety data, staff observations and crash history along the corridor to deliver on the County Board's adopted plans and policies. There were two options for you to provide feedback on the concept, and a summary of the feedback received is available below.

Concept Engagement Summary(PDF, 1MB)

Online Feedback Form

The project team also collected feedback on the concept design for the corridor using an online feedback form and interactive map. The form was open from November 8 through December 10, 2023.

  • All written comments received
  • Interactive Comment Map

Public Meeting

The project team held an in-person open house on Wednesday, November 8 from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. at the Dorothy Hamm Middle School cafeteria. 

There, we shared our initial design concept with you for the project corridor. The concept design was informed by your input, alongside Board-adopted plans and policies, operational and safety data, and staff observations. Attendees learned about the project, asked questions, and shared feedback on this preliminary concept for the corridor. 

Event Materials


Fall 2022 - Existing Conditions and Experiences

In November 2022, the project team kicked off public engagement with an opportunity to share your experiences when travelling along the project corridor. There were two ways to share feedback - in person and online. Following a review of the feedback we received, the project team will share a summary of what we heard and next steps for the public to engage on this project.

Engagement Summary(PDF, 277KB)

Online Feedback Form

An online feedback form with an interactive map was available for comment from November 29 through December 18, 2022 to allow people to share how they experience the project corridor. 

Transportation Public Engagement Open House - Nelly Custis Drive, Military Road, and Lorcom Lane Projects

The project team hosted an interactive public engagement opportunity as part of a community open house on transportation projects in the area. This in-person event allowed attendees to share their experiences on the corridor and talk to staff about their priorities for a safer Lorcom Lane.

Engagement Resources 

Spring 2021 - Pilot Safety Project

In Spring 2021, Arlington County transportation staff implemented a Vision Zero Pilot Safety Project on the north side of the 3800 block of Lorcom Lane. This project, part of a set of pilot projects implemented in coordination with Arlington Public Schools in advance of the reopening of APS buildings for in-person learning, used temporary materials to provide a walking path on the north side of the street. 

After review of data gathered during the pilot and community outreach through an online feedback form, transportation staff decided to maintain the temporary walking path moving forward, and implement a permanent project through the County's Capital Improvement Program. This project will deliver permanent sidewalks in the pilot corridor and look for other opportunities to make Lorcom Lane safer for all road users.

More information about the Pilot Safety Project can be found below.


This capital project is funded by the County's Capital Improvement Program using local and regional revenues.