Columbia Pike: Segment D
Columbia Pike between South Garfield Street and South Courthouse Road., Arlington, VA 22204
Constructed is expected to be completed in late 2025.
Travel Impacts - Summer 2024
Throughout construction, lanes, turns, and sidewalks may be restricted to allow crews to work safely. Pay attention to signs indicating closures and detours.
Ongoing Washington Gas Work
Washington Gas is performing utility work on Columbia Pike between South Courthouse Road and South Walter Reed Drive. Expect slow downs, lane closures, and turn restrictions.
For additional information, contact Mike Ukanowicz, Washington Gas Supervisor at, or Tomar Ransom at or by phone at 571-221-9692.
Water Main Work - Summer 2024
Crews will be conducting water main work in the center lanes of Columbia Pike between South Walter Reed drive and South Courthouse Road.
- Motor traffic is diverted to the outside lanes
- Proceed with caution and pay attention to all signs
Work Hours:
- Monday-Friday, 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM (except Federal holidays)
- Saturdays, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Residents should expect to see and hear dust, mud, noise, debris, and temporary traffic and parking restrictions. In locations where parking will be prohibited during work, "No Parking" signs will be posted.
About the Project
This work is part of the Columbia Pike Multimodal project that will make Columbia Pike a safer, more accessible route for all users. Arlington is transforming this main thoroughfare into a complete street that balances all modes of travel and supports high-quality, high-frequency transit service.
In addition to visible improvements to the road, extensive work will occur below the roadway to replace aging and leak-prone water and sewer pipes.
Streetscape improvements will include:
- Sidewalk upgrades, including widening where space is available, and leveling
- New streetlights
- Upgraded traffic signals
- Street trees
- See the rendering
Public Process
During the planning phase with this project, staff met with adjacent property owners civic associations to discuss the Columbia Pike Multimodal Project and provide construction updates. Outreach will continue as the project moves forward.