Bus Stop Accessibility Improvements
Countywide: Bus stop accessibility improvements are being made throughout Arlington at bus stop locations that are not compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Completed Work
In Fiscal Year 2021, which ended June 30, 2021, improvements included:
- 30 bus pad upgrades
- 11 curb ramps
- 15 new benches
- 31 new bench replacements (stand-alone and in shelters)
- 12 shelter replacements
- 6 new shelters with ADA improvements and bus stop relocations
- 13 trash/recycle containers placed
- 51 bus stop/shelter/amenity miscellaneous repairs
- 2 flagpole replacements
- 15 shelter solar light retrofits
- 23 ADA changes (net)
About the Project
Arlington County has an ongoing program that makes physical improvements to bus stops to bring them into compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. This program focuses on the design and construction of accessibility improvements to approximately 500 bus stops across the County that currently do not comply with ADA standards, with a goal of improving approximately 30 to 60 bus stops each fiscal year.
Bus stop accessibility improvements include creating ADA-compliant bus boarding areas, adding pedestrian facilities that connect passengers to bus stops (e.g. sidewalks, crosswalks, and ramps) and providing waiting areas for wheelchair users inside bus shelters.
What are ADA standards for bus stops?
The ADA requires that all bus boarding areas (i.e. landing pads) must be at least 5 feet wide parallel to the street and at least 8 feet long perpendicular to the street. Landing pads must be adjacent to the bus stop sign pole, connect the sidewalk (if existing) to the curb, and not include grass medians or planter strips between the curb and sidewalk.
ADA standards for bus stop boarding area
The ADA also requires that physical design standards are met relating to bus stop information, trash placement, seating, vendor boxes, and bus shelter pads.
This program is included in the Arlington County Capital Improvement Plan and is funded by a mix of state and local sources.
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