12th Street S Complete Street Connection


On Hold

Project Location

12th Street South between S Monroe Street and S Glebe Road in the Douglas Park neighborhood.

Project Update - July 2022

Based on County Board Guidance on the FY 23-32 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), this project is being indefinitely deferred. Funding allocated to this project will be “redirected to support future priority projects within the Columbia Pike Bike Boulevard Program. Staff will conduct additional feasibility and scoping work that would focus on completing the Bike Boulevards throughout the Columbia Pike corridor and specifically addressing areas where gaps exist.”

The project may be revisited in the future, “triggered by changing conditions including development opportunities, multimodal corridor needs, and other County priorities.”

About Project 

12th Street South is one of the Columbia Pike Bike Boulevards, which provides a low-stress east-west route for bicyclists parallel to Columbia Pike. The block of 12th Street South between S Glebe Road and S Monroe Street is currently a gap in street grid and requires bicyclists to divert onto a sidepath for one block. 12th Street South is identified as a constructed street connection in the Master Transportation Plan as well as the Columbia Pike Form-Based Code map. 

Project Goals 

  • Provide better connectivity parallel to Columbia Pike, with priority for bicyclists as part of the 12th Street South Bike Boulevard and the county’s low-stress bike network 
  • Improve safety and accessibility along the street and at adjacent intersections 
  • Connect S Lincoln Street to 12th Street South, per the Columbia Pike Form Based Code 
  • Limit motor vehicle traffic volumes along 12th Street South in keeping with the bike boulevard 

Key Design Features 

  • Construct a new two-lane street with curb and gutter between S. Glebe Road and S Monroe Street 
  • Install bicycle markings and signage to indicate bicycle priority along the street 
  • Provide sidewalks on both sides of the street and high-visibility crosswalks at intersections 
  • Sidewalk on north side, constructed by Pike 3400, will remain 
  • Construct curb extensions and ADA-accessible pedestrian ramps at corners 
  • Construct a traffic diverter at S Monroe Street that allows for east-west bicycle and pedestrian travel along 12th Street South but requires motor vehicles to turn onto S Monroe Street from either direction 
  • Install street lights and landscaping 
Winter 2021/2022

Concept Design Public Engagement

The project team collected input on the revised concept design for this complete street connection of 12th Street S. Respondents were able to use the online feedback form to learn more about what exists today and how the revised concept addresses the project goals. To view a larger version of the revised project concept, click here.

A virtual Public Meeting on the revised concept was held on Wednesday Dec. 8, from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. A recording and materials from the meeting are available below.

Community feedback was also collected online.

Additional outreach efforts included presentations to the following stakeholder groups:

  • Douglass Park Civic Association - November 15,2021
  • Arlington County Bicycle Advisory Committee – January 3, 2022
  • Pike 3400 Towns Homeowners Association – January 19, 2022

Winter/Spring 2019

Project staff presented preliminary concept designs at the Douglas Park Civic Association in February 2019.
Based on community feedback, the preliminary concept was revised to balance street network connectivity with concerns about increased traffic. The design concept was also updated to prioritize low-stress bicycle travel along 12th Street South and better align with its designation as a bike boulevard



This capital project is locally funded as part of the Columbia Pike Streets Program.