Signs in public spaces must adhere to several zoning standards. Only one freestanding sign per entrance can be installed in a public place, and freestanding signs must be set back 10 feet from a sidewalk or 5 feet from other property lines. Freestanding signs may be as large as 60 square feet in sign area. Flags, which are considered signs for purposes of zoning, can only be flown from a flagpole that is located within 30 feet of the principal entrance of a main building. Moreover, signs erected by concessionaires and/or event sponsors are permitted only when the sign is not legible from public right-of-way, and only if the sign is within a facility that is at least 200 feet or more from the nearest right-of-way.
Increasingly, the County utilizes creative, unique signage to identify public spaces. Signs for wayfinding and education are commonly used, but must be limited to no more than 6 square feet in size. In limited instances, additional signs or larger signs can better accomplish these goals particularly when located near frequently used pedestrian routes.