601 South Carlin Springs Property


601 S Carlin Springs Road, Arlington, VA 22204  View Map

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CS aerial December 2023.png

About the Project

The County completed the acquisition of the South Carlin Springs property located at 601 S. Carlin Springs Road on Dec. 31, 2019. The 11.57-acre site was previously occupied by the former Virginia Hospital Center (VHC Health) urgent care facility and the County developed plans to remove the building because it was incompatible with any County uses.

The demolition project included two phases: Phase 1 decoupled the former urgent care building from the doctor's office building at 611 S. Carlin Springs Road, which was completed in late summer 2022. Phase 2 was completed in spring 2024 and included demolition of the former urgent care building, site restoration, and reseeding the area.

In 2023, VHC Health proposed re-purchasing and transforming 5.8 acres into an advanced rehabilitation and behavioral health wellness facility. The County anticipates a phased redevelopment of the vacant site to include shared parking and coupling with the Long Branch Nature Center as listed in the proposed FY 2025 - 2034 Capital Improvement Plan. Until construction/redevelopment of the site begins, the County will continue to maintain the meadow and landscaping.

Construction Activity Updates

Spring 2024: The erosion and sediment controls were removed after the area was reseeded. The new meadow will be mowed three times in the summer and will be in place until construction/redevelopment of the site begins.

Fall 2023: Construction work on the site is complete. Crews are monitoring the growth of the native grass that was planted, and once the grass begins to grow, the super silt fence will be removed.

July - August 2023: Site grading and soil stabilization work.

June 2023: Approximately 130 new trees were planted around the perimeter of the property.

May 2023: Building demolition completed.

March - April 2023: Removal of the slab foundation and footings.

February 2023: About half of the superstructure has been demolished.

January 5, 2023: Demolition of the 601 S. Carlin Springs property began.

November - December 2022: Crews prepared for the demolition with activities including fencing, equipment staging, and the safe abatement, removal, and disposal of hazardous materials.

Summer 2022: Decoupling the former hospital building from the doctor's office building at 611 S. Carlin Springs Road (Phase 1) was completed.



November 2016: Formation of County and School Board-appointed Joint Facilities Advisory Commission (JFAC). This was a recommendation within the 2015 Community Facilities StudyLearn more about the public process

June 27, 2017: JFAC determined that the community strongly endorses the idea of acquiring land for public facilities and, in its Phase 2 Status Report to the County Board, recommended that the County acquire both the S. Carlin Springs Road and Buck sites.

July 18, 2017: Board voted 5-0 to elect to acquire the S. Carlin Springs Road property, should VHC Health exercise its option to buy the County’s 1800 N. Edison St. property. (Item No. 54 on agenda)

July 2019: County acquires the 601 S. Carlin Springs Road site. Begins six-month lease-back period to allow VHC Health additional time to relocate facilities operated on the site.

Dec. 31, 2019: End of lease-back period. County takes possession of facilities at 601 S. Carlin Springs Road site.

Feb. 3, 2020: County and APS staff provided an update on site activity at the Glencarlyn Citizens’ Association meeting. View the presentation.

July 2020: Preconstruction activities began on site to decouple 601 S. Carlin Springs and 611 S. Carlin Springs. View the update presentation for more information on the phase 1 (decoupling) process.

September 2021: A contract was awarded to Landivar Associates to provide construction services for the decoupling of the former urgent care facility (601 S. Carlin Springs) from the currently operational medical office building at 611 S. Carlin Springs. Decoupling work is scheduled to begin winter 2022 and finish summer of 2022. 

November 2021: The project team provided a briefing to the Glencarlyn Civic Association. View the presentation.(PDF, 303KB)

September 2022: Phase 1 decoupling of the former urgent care facility was completed. The project team provided a briefing on the upcoming Phase 2 demolition to the Glencarlyn Civic Association. View the presentation.(PDF, 841KB)

November 2022: Phase 2 of the project began.

May 2024: Phase 2 of the project was completed. Crews will maintain the meadow until construction/redevelopment of the site begins. View the landscaping and maintenance plan.