Plans & Studies
The Comprehensive Plan includes 10 elements that cover land use, economic development, community character, natural resources, parks and recreation, transportation, housing and historic preservation.
Learn more about the Comprehensive Plan.
Planning studies and documents, such as Sector, Small Area and Revitalization Plans, guide Arlington’s future development.
Learn more about land use and urban design plans.
The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) identifies the capital needs of the community over a specified period of time.
Learn more about the CIP and its process.
These plans and studies address environmental issues that affect Arlington residents and our natural surroundings, including energy consumption, local watersheds and streams, the Potomac River, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Learn more about environment plans and studies.
Parks and open space plans and studies define the future of outdoor recreational spaces that foster community interaction, protect environmental resources, preserve key cultural resources and promote an interconnected countywide trail system.
Learn more about parks and open space plans and studies.
In addition to the Master Transportation Plan, an element of the Comprehensive Plan, Arlington conducts a range of focused plans and studies that provide direction and guidance for transportation development and management.
Learn more about transportation plans and studies.
Planning for our water and sewer infrastructure ensures our ability to provide high quality water and sewer services.
Learn more about utility plans.