Arlington County Profile

Did you know…


  • Arlington's population reached 240,900 people in 2024. After a slight decline in population in 2021 due to impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2024 population has surpassed the 2020 Census count.  
  • 72% of Committed Affordable Units are in the planning corridors (Rosslyn-Ballston, Richmond Highway and Columbia Pike).  
  • Combined, 86% of households in the R-B and Richmond Highway Corridors are one or two-person, compared to 69% of households in the Columbia Pike and Langston Boulevard Corridors.
  • 27% of residents age 16 and over living in Arlington work from home, a 6% increase from last year.   

Profile 2024 

The Arlington County Profile is an annual report providing statistical information including demographics, development, employment, transportation, community resources and much more.  The Profile has been updated for 2024 and includes the following features: data topics, key facts and takeaways, and planning corridor statistics.

For more information about Arlington’s history, amenities and highlights, see Arlington Fast Facts.

Supplemental Fact Sheets