County Faces Urgent Need for Interim North Side Salt Storage
This message was shared with the community on July 13, 2018 through emailing lists and Nextdoor
The North Side Salt Tank on County land at 26th Street North and Old Dominion Drive is a critical piece of infrastructure that holds salt storage capacity to maintain safety on Arlington roads during winter. The existing tank was built in the 1930s as a water tank and has been used since the 1960s for County salt storage and snow loading operations.
Existing salt structure
A recent structural evaluation determined that the North Side tank is no longer safe for crews to operate in winter events, and has reached the end of its useful life. The County must take urgent steps to provide a temporary structure to store and load salt prior to the upcoming winter season.
Staff proposes building an interim storage structure adjacent to the tank location on the 26th Street North land.
Proposal and Next Steps
Example of proposed interim structure
• July 2018: Walking tour of site on July 16 (see below). At the July Recessed County Board Meeting on July 17, the County Board will consider advertising public hearings in September on the interim structure plan, which includes proposed zoning changes on four parcels to support an interim canvas-skinned structure 120-feet long by 85-feet wide, with a height of 47-feet.
• August 2018: Because of pressing deadlines to beat winter, some site preparation must begin and will include site clearing and tree removal. An additional walking tour of the site to take place in August or early September.
• November 2018: Target for completed construction of interim storage structure.
• December 2018: Official beginning of winter.
Long-term: The County remains committed to a long-term engagement process for the site redevelopment of 26th Street North and Old Dominion Drive. This will be a separate process that will include the permanent salt structure. The interim structure solution will not preclude any final long-term uses at the site.
Public Outreach
The County will be hosting a walking tour with community leaders on Monday, July 16 at 8 a.m. The public is invited. The tour will begin at the existing salt tank at 26th Street North and Old Dominion Drive. There will be a second walking tour in August or early September. Date and time to be determined.
Project news will be posted on the County website. Sign up for email updates on the project page.