22202 Transportation and Planning Data – Traffic and Transit Data

Note: The following information is from the 2016 data set. For the 2020 data update, visit the home page.

Historic Traffic Counts

Highlight: The traffic trends for 25 locations in the 22202 zip code area have decreased by 20 percent (on average) since 2000, when traffic peaked. Currently, average weekday traffic in the area is at levels experienced between the years 1985 and 1990.

Permanent Traffic Count Stations

Highlight: To better monitor traffic as development increases in the area, Arlington is fulfilling a commitment to stakeholders to establish permanent and continuous traffic count locations within the 22202 zip code area.

ART Annual Ridership

Highlight: Arlington has increased Arlington Transit (ART) bus service within the 22202 zip code since 2013, adding two additional routes and ridership is increasing.

Total Metrorail Ridership

Highlight: Metrorail use in the 22202 zip code area has been significantly and negatively impacted by high vacancy rates in Crystal City along with changes in Metrorail service along the Blue line. Job losses and other factors have pushed the average daily passenger ridership at Crystal City down by 18 percent from its peak between 2009 and 2011.

Metrobus Ridership

Highlight: Four major Metrobus route groups connect the 22202 zip code area to a large area extending outside of Arlington County. Since 2005, the combined ridership on these routes has risen 16 percent. However, WMATA can’t provide insights into Metrobus use for trips specifically beginning or ending in the 22202 zip code area.

Metrorail Boardings

Highlight: Ridership at the Pentagon City Metrorail Station is generally only surpassed by ridership seen at Metrorail stations within downtown DC. Ridership at Metrorail stations in the 22202 zip codes decreased approximately 18 percent from peak ridership that occurred between 2008 and 2011.

Metrorail Hourly Ridership by Station

Highlight: Entry/exit station data helps to show how trips occur throughout the day and if they are consolidated during the peak hours or more spread out throughout the day. The Pentagon City Metro Station shows higher midday and evening trips because of the high concentration of retail and retail jobs within the station area.