Users do not have the ability to move the cameras. The Transportation Engineering & Operations Bureau of the Department of Environmental Services is responsible for the placement and regular views of each camera, while emergency services staff have the ability to manipulate angles during an incident using the following guidelines:
"Arlington County upholds its values of transparency with public safety information beyond camera footage, including daily crime reports, press releases, emergency alerts, and EMS/fire event summaries.
Camera access furthers our transparency but must be balanced with community privacy concerns. Cameras are diverted to protect:
Health information: This includes identifiers related to a potential patient, like their face, demographics, and health condition. This is all protected information until the person is determined to no longer be a patient, which occurs after they sign a refusal to be assessed or transported.
Law enforcement tactics and officer identity: The County protects the identities of law enforcement personnel who serve in plain clothes or undercover roles. Cameras may also be diverted during an active incident, such as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) response, to safeguard tactical information and ensure the safety of all present.
Victim and witness privacy: Victim and witness privacy protection is always central, but especially if there are juveniles present – something responders wouldn’t know for sure until arriving at a scene. The County also seeks to protect victim and family privacy and dignity by diverting footage in a medical incident, especially when next of kin must be notified of a significant event."