What Makes a Tree a Champion?
A Champion Tree is the largest specimen of its species. Species vary in size, age and growth habitat. As a general rule, forest trees will be taller, thinner and have a smaller crown compared to counterparts grown in more open environments. For example, a slow-growing white oak with a girth of 17 feet and a height of 100 feet may be over 300 years old, while a faster-growing black locust can reach old age and champion size within 100 years.
How Trees Are Rated
Ratings are determined by adding three numbers:
- Circumference or girth (in inches)
- Height (in feet)
- 25% of average crown spread (in feet)
High score wins.
Circumference (CBH) is normally measured at breast height, ~4½ feet above ground.
Get help scoring a tree: American Forests website
Champion Trees Brochure
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