Species: Black Gum Owner: John Stewart Address: 4508 6th St S.
Species: American Sycamore Owner: Linda Kunder Address: 1414 N. Buchanan St.
Species: Japanese Red Maple Owner: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Address: 2310 Military Road
Species: Hybrid Blackjack/Southern Red Oak Owner: Douglas Delancey Address: 2512 Washington Blvd
Species: Pecan Owner: Elizabeth Baker Address: 2917 23rd St N.
Species: Shortleaf Pine Owner: Anne and Robert Faris Address: 5915 15th St N.
Species: White Oak Owner: Robert Heinen Address: 2802 N. Harrison St.
Species: 2 White Oaks and 1 Black Gum Owner: Nicholas and Moley Evans Address: 3435 8th St. S.
Species: American Linden Owner: Tamara Martin and Luisa Alvarez Address: 5400 27th Rd N.
Species: Blackjack Oak Owner: Daniel Berkland Address: 701 N. Nelson St.
Species: Deodar Cedar Owner: Thomas Field Address: 2369 N. Taylor St.
Species: Pignut Hickory Owner: Cherry Valley Park Address: 1731 N. Quincy St
Species: River Birch Owner: Clinton and Anne Doggett Address: 2607 N. Stuart St.
Species: Tulip Poplar Owner: Lee Heights Park Address: 2400 N. Taylor St.
Species: White Oak Owner: Steven Watmore Address: 907 26th St S.
Species: Yellowwood Owner: Christine Dolan Address: 3325 N. Kensington St.
List of all the current notable tree winners