Affordable Housing Master Plan Review to Kick Off in January


Arlington County will be conducting a five-year review of the Affordable Housing Master Plan. The plan outlines three main goals: to increase supply, to ensure access, and to contribute to a sustainable community. In order to achieve these goals, periodic updates to factors affecting the demand and supply of housing are needed.

Join us for a series of upcoming events and engagements to kick off the review process:

January 21 at 6 p.m. |  Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Kick Off: Housing Needs Analysis

  • Join us for a presentation by Jeannette Chapman, Deputy Director at the Stephen S. Fuller Institute at George Mason University to learn about:
    • An overview of Arlington’s Housing Needs Analysis
    • Characteristics of Arlington County’s population
    • Current housing affordability and housing needs throughout Arlington
    • Housing demand forecasted housing through 2045 based on the most recent population and jobs patterns

January 26 at 12 p.m. | Rescreening: Affordable Housing Master Plan Kick Off Presentation

  • Can’t attend the Kick Off Event? Join us over the lunch hour to view a rescreening of the Housing Needs Analysis presentation. County staff will be available to answer questions.

January 28 at 6 p.m. | Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Webinar: Five Year Report

  • As a follow up to the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Kick Off, join us at this webinar for:
    • An introduction to the Five-Year Report: a progress report on meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the Affordable Housing Master Plan; and
    • An overview of what has been accomplished and what still needs to be completed in the Affordable Housing Implementation Framework.
    • Participants will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions and submit comments for future consideration.

Coming January 29 | Online Engagement Opportunity

  • Share input with the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review team. Details coming soon.

Follow along with this process at the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review webpage.