Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Kick Off

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To kick off the five-year review of the Affordable Housing Master Plan, join us for a presentation by Jeannette Chapman, Deputy Director at the Stephen S. Fuller Institute at George Mason University.

  • An overview of Arlington’s Housing Needs Analysis
  • Characteristics of Arlington County’s population
  • Current housing affordability and housing needs throughout Arlington
  • Housing demand forecasted housing through 2045 based on the most recent population and jobs patterns

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and to submit comments.

About the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review

  • The Affordable Housing Master Plan details how housing is integral to the County’s vision to support residents, to improve neighborhoods, and to strengthen the economy.
  • The plan outlines three main goals: to increase supply, to ensure access, and to contribute to a sustainable community.
  • In order to achieve these goals, periodic updates to factors affecting the demand and supply of housing are needed.
  • Learn more about the County’s five-year review of the plan and other upcoming events and engagement opportunities.

Closed captioning is available for users joining from the free Microsoft Teams app.

For questions about the event, or to request reasonable accommodations, contact the Housing Arlington team: or 703-228-0069.


  • Thursday, January 21, 2021 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
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