Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Webinar: Five-Year Report
Introduction to the Five-Year Report
As a follow up to the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review Kick Off, join us at this webinar for:
- An introduction to the Five-Year Report.
- Progress report on meeting the goals and objectives outlined in the Affordable Housing Master Plan; and
- An overview of what has been accomplished and what still needs to be completed in the Affordable Housing Implementation Framework.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions and submit comments for future consideration.
About the Affordable Housing Master Plan Review
- The Affordable Housing Master Plan details how housing is integral to the County’s vision to support residents, to improve neighborhoods, and to strengthen the economy.
- The plan outlines three main goals: to increase supply, to ensure access, and to contribute to a sustainable community.
- In order to achieve these goals, periodic updates on the factors affecting the demand and supply of housing are needed.
- Learn more about the County’s five-year review of the plan and other upcoming events and engagement opportunities.
For questions about the event, or to request reasonable accommodations, contact the Housing Arlington team: via email or phone 703-228-0069.
Thursday, January 28, 2021 | 06:00 PM
- 08:00 PM