Affordable Housing Investment Fund and Federal Multifamily Loan Funds
In January 2024, Arlington County announced a request for Letters of Intent (LOI) to solicit project proposals from eligible partners that will increase or preserve the supply of affordable housing rental properties utilizing federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) or HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds. The request for LOI is now closed. Should additional federal funds become available, this webpage will be updated, and an announcement will be made through the Housing News and Notes newsletter.
Due to significant recent and anticipated financial commitments, specifically Barcroft Apartments and the Crystal House Infill Opportunity, the County did not release a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for local Affordable Housing Investment Funds (AHIF) in FYs 2023 and 2024. Should local AHIF funds become available in FY 2025 for a NOFA, this webpage will be updated and an announcement will be made through the Housing News and Notes newsletter. For general information about County loan funds and other sources of funding for rental developments, view Financial Tools.
Previous NOFA Application, Scoring Guidance & Geographic Distribution
View the PDF of the FY22 NOFA Application for County Loan Funds
The FY 2022 NOFA for County Loan Funds Scoring Guidance guides the review and evaluation of loan requests and forms the basis for the pipeline funding recommendations to the County Manager and County Board. The Geographic Distribution Map is used to score the Geographic Distribution criteria.
Selection is not a commitment of loan funds. Selected applicants will move forward with financing negotiations, including negotiations on the requested loan amount, and public review process. A County Board hearing would be scheduled upon successful completion of this process. Any commitment of County loan funds is contingent upon County Board approval.
Out-of-Cycle Applications
Out-of-cycle applications will be considered for time-sensitive third party acquisitions on a case-by-case basis. “Time-sensitive third party acquisition” means the development is currently listed on the open market or will be listed on the open market in the immediate future.
If the applicant is applying to be considered out-of-cycle, e-mail a letter to Alex McMillen at with information about the project (location, units, price) and documentation of time-sensitivity (listing or letter from owner). Describe why an in-cycle application would preclude the ability to purchase.
Help is Available
Read the Questions and Answers document that contains answers to the questions staff received during the FY 2022 NOFA application period. For any further questions regarding the NOFA for County Loan Funds, contact Alex McMillen