Health Screenings

Hearing and Vision

Hearing loss and vision problems may impact an individual’s intellectual, emotional, social, speech, and/or language skills.  The Code of Virginia Section 22.1-273 “Vision and Hearing of Student to be Tested” stipulates that student hearing and vision screenings are performed with the aim to:

  • Promote an optimal level of learning for all students
  • Prevent the development of hearing and vision problems that may affect a student’s health and potential for learning
  • Identify students with potential hearing and vision problems
  • Provide appropriate educational accommodations for students with hearing and vision impairments

Per the code of Virginia, hearing and vision screenings are performed in APS annually and as required by the code.

When are hearing and vision screenings performed?

  • Newly enrolled APS students grade K through 12 are screened within 60 days of school entry, if the screening was not performed by a medical provider within one year of school entry
  • All students in grades K, 3, 7, and 10 are scheduled for screening the first 60 administrative working days of the school year unless screened by a medical provider within the past year. Initial screening typically takes place in the fall for grades K, 3, 7, and 10
  • Upon request by a parent/guardian, teacher, special educational staff, or healthcare provider, any student grade K through 12 can have their hearing and vision screened

Who conducts the hearing and vision screenings?

  • School clinic staff
  • Healthcare providers
  • Specialists, such as an audiologist or ophthalmologist
  • Trained APS staff and volunteers

Does my child have to be screened for hearing and vision?

Parents/guardians may opt their child out of the screenings with written notification to the school clinic staff.

Will I be notified of my student’s hearing and vision screening results?

Parents/guardians are notified of results if further evaluation is indicated.  If further evaluation is recommended and helped is needed identifying a specialist or if your student does not have health insurance, the clinic staff can provide additional assistance.

Please inform the school clinic staff if your student sees a specialty provider for a known:

  • hearing loss or serious impairment in one or both ears
  • visual impairment beyond needing corrective lenses, such as glasses or contact lenses

Feel free to contact your student’s school clinic staff(PDF, 67KB) with any additional questions about the hearing and vision screening process. 


What is Scoliosis:

Scoliosis is a health condition causing a sideways curve in the spine commonly seen in children and adolescents.  Instead of a straight line down the middle of the back, the spine looks more like the letter "C" or "S." Scoliosis curves vary in size, and mild curves are more common than larger curves.

When to Screen for Scoliosis?

Children can be screened at any age.  Medical providers screen for scoliosis during yearly childhood physical examinations.  Scoliosis is commonly discovered during a child's growth spurt between the ages of 10 to 15 years old.  

Prevention of Scoliosis?

The cause of scoliosis is not fully understood.  Scoliosis does tend to be more common in females.  It is not caused by bad posture and its onset cannot be prevented. 


Mild cases of scoliosis may only require ongoing monitoring to ensure the curve does not worsen.  Wearing a brace may be recommended by your child’s medical provider to prevent further curvature while the child is growing.  Children requiring orthopedic brace treatment can continue to participate in physical and social activities.  A delay in treating scoliosis may necessitate major treatment.  In more severe cases of scoliosis, surgery may be recommended. 

Identifying Scoliosis:

  • Shoulders uneven or tilted with one shoulder blade showing more outward
  • Ribs more visible on one side of the body
  • Waistline uneven
  • One hip higher than the other
  • Spine curves sideways

Scoliosis will not disappear as the child gets older.  Early detection is important in the prevention of abnormal spinal curve progression.  If you have any concern that your child may have scoliosis, please have your child screened by a healthcare provider.  If you need help finding a healthcare provider, please connect with your school clinic staff. 

For more information on scoliosis please visit: