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Did you know that in Arlington, 25% of female students at Arlington Public Schools in grades 8, 10 and 12 reported that someone they went out with put them down or called them names? And 20% reported a dating partner made unwanted sexual contact with them.
The youngest among us are negatively impacted daily by an issue that is preventable with education and support. And Project PEACE can help!
More than ever, young people need support navigating the dynamics of dating and sex. Adults who work, or live, with youth, have numerous opportunities to model and discuss what young people can and should expect from safe and healthy dating relationships. Project PEACE supports youth serving organizations and parents in encouraging and helping youth to develop healthy and safe relationships.
Sexual Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence ARE preventable
Arlington is committed to ending violence before it begins through prevention and outreach efforts across the county. Our work on prevention includes providing programs to a broad range of adults and adolescents; through schools and the general community. These prevention programs help individuals explore topics such as: defining the elements of both a healthy and an abusive relationship; discussing the differences between healthy sexuality and the use of force, coercion, and intimidation; examining the messages we receive from our environment and looking at how we can help one another and keep ourselves safe.
Programming for a broad range of adults and adolescents, includes but is not limited to:
For Youth! Project PEACE can:
- Provide brochures and other literature focused on teens and healthy dating/relationships. Project PEACE’s materials for youth were created by Arlington Youth for Arlington Youth with the help of students from Wakefield and HB.
- Provide guest speakers for individual classes and assemblies. Whether it’s health classes or assemblies, Project PEACE can enhance your existing educational efforts.
- Host a resource table during lunch or after school activities. With interactive activities and giveaways, Project PEACE staff can work with students to understand healthy vs unhealthy relationship behaviors and the concept of consent.
For Youth Serving Organizations! Project PEACE can:
- Join a staff meeting or host a stand-alone training to discuss how the adults in your organization can encourage healthy relationship among the youth. Project PEACE topics for educators includes: understanding and supporting violence prevention efforts, knowing how to intervene if they witness violence and how to appropriately respond to someone who discloses abuse/violence. We can provide a brief 15-minute overview, or longer, more interactive trainings of an hour or more.
- Host or lead a conversation with parents. Project PEACE can provide a brief 15-minute overview or longer, more interactive sessions of an hour or more; whether it’s part of a PTA meeting, scout parent meeting, or stand-alone parent outreach opportunity. We’ll also help with promotion! Presentations can be offered in English and Spanish.
- Provide brochures and other literature focused on how adults can support the youth in their lives to develop and have healthy relationships. From brochures, to fact sheets, to online trainings we have materials for you!
- Host a resource table during a PTA Meeting or Parent Outreach Event. With interactive activities and giveaways, Project PEACE staff can talk with parents about how to support their teens in navigating dating relationships.
To request a free presentation, training or materials please contact Project PEACE at or call 703-228-1678
Can’t wait for a training and want to learn more now?
Check out these free educational videos and training’s to start the conversation:
For Youth
- Game On: GAME ON is the centerpiece of SafeBAE’s 2018 Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign – BAEcode. The campaign teaches and empowers teens to prevent sexual harassment and assault in their own peer groups. The campaign provides activist tools and presenter, parent and teen guide are available at
- Consent is Like Tea: explanation of consent using a Tea analogy for pre-teens and teens
- Consent for Kids: explanation of consent for small children
- Bystander Intervention: Video created by the Michigan State University’s Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence (SARV) Prevention Program to communicate to high school
For Parents
- Project PEACE Panel on Masculinity and Sexual Assault: a taped community event featuring male leaders in Arlington talking about masculinity and violence prevention.
- Culture Reframed: Today, many youths are learning about sex, and specifically unhealthy sexual activity, through easy access to pornography. We must have the “porn talk” with our kids. But what do we say? Culture Reframed can help. CR has created a FREE online program for Parents of Tweens, complete with scripts that guide you in these life-changing conversations.
- #UsToo: A video that shows what sexual harassment can look like in a middle school setting.
For Educators and Youth Serving Organization Staff:
- One Caring Adult: The National Sexual Violence Resource Center recently released a new e-learning course titled, “One Caring Adult.” This three-part course for teachers and other school professionals consists of seven videos and a workbook that provide information, resources, tools, and tips on how to create a trauma-informed classroom. Throughout the course you will hear from multiple experts including a teacher, a psychologist, a sexual assault advocate, and a trauma specialist. The accompanying workbook will guide you through the course
- Project PEACE Panel on Masculinity and Sexual Assault: a taped community event featuring male leaders in Arlington talking about masculinity and violence prevention.
- Culture Reframed: Today, many youths are learning about sex, and specifically unhealthy sexual activity, through easy access to pornography. We must have the “porn talk” with our kids. But what do we say? Culture Reframed can help. CR has created a FREE online program for Parents of Tweens, complete with scripts that guide you in these life-changing conversations.
- #UsToo: A video that shows what sexual harassment can look like in a middle school setting.
Trainings and Technical Assistance
Is your organization or business looking to train staff, volunteers or constituents on the dynamics of sexual, domestic and/or dating violence? Is your organization looking to create or enhance existing policies and procedures related to working with or supporting victims of violence? Project PEACE, and their members, are available to provide trainings and technical assistance regarding preventing and intervening to reduce sexual, domestic and dating violence with adults and youth. To learn more or request a training, please email
Materials and Resources
Sexual and Domestic Violence Resources
Resources for Adults Supporting Youth
The materials above are free to download and use. To request pre-printed versions please email