About AARI
Who is AARI?
AARI, the Arlington Addiction Recovery Initiative, is Arlington’s opioid and other addictions taskforce, comprised of stakeholders from across the county, including treatment providers, first responders, Arlington Public Schools, the justice system, hospital staff, and private citizens. AARI was founded in January 2017 in response to the rising concerns regarding opioids in our community. Our primary goals are to prevent individuals from developing a substance use disorder, increase access and awareness of available treatment resources in our community, and decrease access to opioids through diversion.
Mission Statement
To reduce the incidence of substance use, dependency, and overdose by improving community understanding of the dangers of substance use, using an integrated system of community members and professionals to provide support, resources, and education.
Strategic Plan
Our strategic plan is reviewed and updated every three years. The plan includes three primary focus areas:
1. Prevention: Community education & awareness, data sharing, trainings, naloxone education and dispensing
2. Treatment: Increasing access to treatment, expand availability of treatment, increase diversion programs, enhance recovery supports, and overdose response
3. Supply Reduction: Drug take back, safe medication disposal & storage, decrease access of prescriptions, and engagement with medical community
Read the full plan: AARI-Strategic-Plan-updates-May-2023.pdf(PDF, 177KB)
AARI Impact Report(PDF, 3MB)
AARI Accomplishments (Feb 2021)
State Opioid Response Grant Year 1 Summary
State Opioid Response Grant Year 2 Summary
State Opioid Response Grant Year 3 Summary(PDF, 368KB)
AARI Stat Sheet (May 2019)
Want to get involved?
For more information including trainings, education programs, or treatment resources, contact AARI via e-mail: aari@arlingtonva.us
To volunteer with AARI please use Sign-up genius. Our volunteer coordinator will then contact you before the volunteer event to give you a brief orientation and overview of what to expect. For questions contact aari@arlingtonva.us