Fire Flow Test
- If recent (less than one year old) fire flow test information is available in our files in the vicinity of the desired test location, the information will be provided to the applicant at no charge.
- If it’s determined that a new fire flow test is needed, a written request and an appropriate fee must accompany the fire flow test request from the applicant prior to the commencement of the test.
- To request fire flow test information, contact the Water, Sewer, Streets Bureau by emailing
Fire Hydrant Permit
- Fire hydrant permits are issued by the Department of Environmental Services on a limited basis. Contact the Water, Sewer, Streets Bureau to set up an appointment.
- Fire hydrant permits will only be considered for work related to approved building, demolition, right of way and Virginia Department of Transportation permits, or work related to current County contracts.
- Fire hydrant permits won’t be issued to fill pools, for car washes, to irrigate landscaping on private and non-County-maintained property, when an existing metered water source is available, or if vehicular/pedestrian traffic obstructions will be created.
- The applicant must supply and install an ASSE-1013 approved, reduced-pressure, backflow prevention (high hazard) device per County Code.
- The contractor is responsible for dechlorinating all water regardless of the concentration. All superchlorinated water requires a dechlorination plan that must be approved on a case-by-case basis.
- Any remaining time on a fire hydrant permit will be voided when the applicable job has been completed, or if any associated work permits expire or become invalidated.
Fee Schedules provide the range of fees charged for each type of application or activity related to land development in Arlington. Fees cover permitting, plan review, enforcement, inspection, service delivery, performance agreements and conditions. There are separate fee schedules for Inspection Services Division (ISD), Zoning and the Department of Environmental Services (DES). Some permits involve fees from more than one schedule.