Rezoning (Change in Land Classification)

The authority to change the land classification of a parcel, known as a rezoning, rests solely with the County Board upon recommendation by the Planning Commission, at a duly advertised public hearing.

Submission Requirements

Rezoning applications must be submitted online.

An application may be filed by an owner, a contract owner or his agent.

  • In the case of contract ownership; evidence that a contract is in place, including the names of owners and the expiration date of the contracts must be provided.
  • Applicants for a change in land classification or their agents must be present at the meeting of the Planning Commission and the County Board on the advertised hearing dates.

Other requirements for submission

  • No application for any change of zoning of the same lot shall be considered by the County Board within a period of 360 days from its last consideration. However, this provision shall not impair the right of the Board to propose an advertising for a change of zoning on its own motion.
  • A statement must be filed by the applicant or agent, setting forth the proposed use and giving justification in support of the application. The statement will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and to the County Board.

Include the following with your submission

  • Disclosure of Interest Statement (must be notarized)
  • Arlington County Tax Map
  • Copies of any drawings that would assist the Board in its decision
  • Suggested: statements of support from neighboring owners and the local civic associations

Lots: If the affected property consists entirely of recorded lots (full lots only), include the following materials:

  • The legal description of the property
  • The Real Property Code No(s): available with Real Estate Assessments
  • Plat showing the affected property and its dimensions

Acreage or part(s) of recorded lots: If the affected property consists entirely of recorded lots (full lots only), the following must be submitted with the application:

  • Metes and bounds description prepared by a certified land surveyor
  • Certified plat showing the affected property
  • The Real Property Code No(s): available with Real Estate Assessments


Fee Schedules provide the range of fees charged for each type of application or activity related to land development in Arlington. Fees cover permitting, plan review, enforcement, inspection, service delivery, performance agreements and conditions. There are separate fee schedules for Inspection Services Division (ISD), Zoning and the Department of Environmental Services (DES). Some permits involve fees from more than one schedule.