Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Interactive Map


Arlington County’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Map, is an interactive map for the community to view completed, funded, and adopted CIP projects throughout the county. 

This interactive map allows community members to view projects in and around their neighborhoods. Users can filter projects by program, category, status, and associated master plan. Users can also learn more about a project by clicking on a project. In addition, users can zoom in on civic associations to view projects in their neighborhood. To provide insight on county investments by demographics, an overlay of the 2020 Census Tracts have been included. 

The CIP map provides the public with up-to-date project information and an opportunity for everyone to share their feedback on new projects. The community can send emails to to share any feedback about the map. 

This interactive map includes significant Capital Improvement projects in the County (not all projects). Below are some tips, definitions, and instructions to help users better understand and navigate the information shared in the CIP map. 

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How to Use the CIP Interactive Map

  • The CIP Interactive Map shows Capital Improvement Projects around Arlington. Use the filters on the title bar (top right) to choose which kind of projects you want to see. You can filter by CIP Program, Category, Status and/or Associated Plan. You can also zoom in to Civic Associations.


  • The legend (top left corner) identifies capital projects according the Program (I,e, Parks & Recreation) and, if some cases, by Program category (ie. Facilities Maintenance Capital).


  • The list underneath the legend (top left) shows what individual projects meet that criteria on the map and will update as you pan and zoom around. Scroll down to see more projects. 


  • If the list is blank, there are no projects within the chosen map section that meet the chosen criteria.
  • Click on each project icon or highlighted area to get a popup with additional project information.
  • Looking for a specific address? Use the Search Bar (the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner) on the map to type in an address.


  • The "Census Tract" section provides demographic information across the County. The shaded areas of blue demonstrate demographics by percentage of the total population. POC stands for ‘People of Color’.


  • To change the Basemap (to see alternate map views), use the Basemap Switcher (the 4 squares icon beside the magnifying glass icon) on the map.
  • Use "Filter by Program" to see projects that only focus on certain programs such as: Parks & Recreation, Stormwater Management, Transportation, or Water and Sewer Infrastructure.
  • Use "Filter by Category" to see projects that only fall under a certain category including: Beautification, Community Conservation, Street Improvement, Street Lights, Transit, Water Distribution, and more.

Note: Some projects may have a "More Info" link that will take you to the corresponding County webpage.

Definition of Status

Completed: These projects have been approved by the County Board, were fully funded, and have been completed in construction or development. The majority of these projects were not completed before 2022.  

Funded: These projects have been approved by the board with funds allocated and are underway for construction or development.

Adopted: These projects have been approved by the board and adopted in the FY 2023 – FY 2032 CIP. FY 2024 and FY 2025 projects have been updated and adopted by the Board as part of the FY 2024 and FY 2025 Operating budgets.

Proposed: These projects are being proposed as part of the FY 2025 - FY 2034 CIP.


When will the map be updated next?

  • The map will be updated as part of future Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) processes. It will include information to align projects with approved master plans as well as cost estimates for projects. The next CIP covers FY 2027-2036 and the planning process is expected to begin in the Fall of calendar year 2026.

In the Census Tract data section, what does the abbreviation POC mean? 

  • POC stands for "People of Color." The shaded areas of blue demonstrate demographics by percentage of the total population.

How do I get more information about the projects?

  • In the pop-up screen for each project, where possible, there is a More Info link that takes the user to more detailed information about a project. 

How do I provide feedback on the map?

Are all capital projects included on the map?

  • No, only significant projects are included on the map.