LAC Studios


The LAC is a fully equipped professional studio for artists working in ceramics & printmaking. The Center houses a mini-gallery with rotating exhibitions of visiting and resident artists. Master workshops are offered throughout the year.


Future home for LAC Studios. 3700 South Four Mile Run Drive, Arlington VA 22206


5722 Langston Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22207
Phone: 703-228-0560
Fax: 703-228-0559

Hours & Fees

Cultural Affairs will resume limited hours for LAC members beginning February 7, 2022. The building remains closed to the public.
For more information, contact Kate Fleming at or Lore Potoker at

Monday: Closed
Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday & Friday: 3:00pm-9:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Membership quarterly studio membership fees(PDF, 503KB).

Cultural Affairs is offering fee reductions based on HUD Section 8 income limits for all qualified members.



LAC Studios Spring Show & Sale

 Emily Shepardson, PeterCora Olson  

Print by Emily Shepardson, Pottery by Cora Olson

Looking for something truly unique? Shop local!
Browse beautiful, hand-crafted ceramics, pottery, and hand-pulled prints made by the members artists of LAC Studios and visit the printmaking and ceramics studios to see where the work is made. Support local artists!

Saturday, December 7, 2024, 10:00am-4:00pm
5722 Langston Blvd., Arlington, VA 22207


The Master Workshop program provides opportunities to interact with visiting master artists in one, two and three-day workshops covering a wide variety of media. Lectures, advanced skills classes and professional development seminars for independent visual artists are also presented.

Register for workshops by calling 703.228.0560  

See past workshops.

The Studios


The Studio program is designed specifically for self-directed individuals working at advanced levels in ceramics or print media. The equipment and facility are made available for those who are without a studio of their own. No ongoing instruction is given. Participants are expected to be able to function independently with regards to their own work, as well as to perform technical tasks essential to the operation of the studio as a whole and to use and maintain studio equipment responsibly. Learn more about the studios.


The Mini Gallery is a small exhibition space within the LAC which provides an opportunity for local and national artists to show their work in approximately 12 solo and group shows per year. The Mini Gallery consists of a 25-foot hallway within the center illuminated by gallery track lighting which can accommodate both two dimensional and three-dimensional work.

See past exhibitions

Artists on the Web


Are you looking for handmade gifts? Some of our artists have web shops or are offering one-on-one shopping appointments at their home studios during the holiday season.

You can find links to these websites and contact individual artists Here