Watch the Live Meeting Here!Note: This meeting is being held at Syphax Education Center, located at 2110 Washington Blvd.
In 2017, for the first time, Arlington is able to report the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data by school in order to allow for targeted prevention efforts to be undertaken. The framework used for the YRBS strives to ensure that results are representative of the Arlington community as a whole. The framework cannot ensure that each school will have a standalone, statistically valid report. Information provided within is intended as a conversation starter and descriptive snapshot of each school community. Any question that had fewer than 20 reported was either not included or, when possible, rolled into a school-wide average. This is done in order to ensure that students can continue to provide honest responses knowing that their anonymity will be upheld.
Here are some sample questions to consider when reading through and discussing the YRBS results.
The Partnership shares results to facilitate a conversation with your group. Contact Data Specialist Grace Wagner for more information.
In 2022, APCYF will use the Virginia Youth Survey