Cover Letter Assistance
The Arlington Employment Center offers cover letter webinars, on-demand videos, and one-on-one assistance to help you with your job search.
If you don't have a cover letter or haven't written one in a long time, start with our Cover Letter Basics webinars or on-demand videos.
If you already have a cover letter or you've submitted your cover letter to jobs and aren't getting any interviews, book a one-on-one cover letter review session.
Cover Letter Webinars
The Arlington Employment Center offers live webinars through Zoom. Participants must register in advance. To register for a particular webinar, click the title of the webinar. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the link to join the webinar.
Cover Letter Basics Series
If you don't have a cover letter or haven't written one in a long time, start here!
Webinars are live, online educational presentations. During the webinars, you will learn about the topic. You will be able to see the host, the host's screen, and use the chat and reaction features. You do not need to use your camera or microphone. For more information about how to use Zoom, click here.
On-Demand Cover Letter Videos
Can't attend or missed a live webinar? The Arlington Employment Center offers on-demand videos that job seekers can watch any time from any device. To watch a video, click the title of the video.
Cover Letter Basics Video Series
If you don't have a cover letter or haven't written one in a long time, start here!
1:1 Cover Letter Review Sessions
Do you need someone to review your cover letter?
Click here to request a free, 30-minute online session.
If you have any questions, please e-mail