Watch the Live Meeting Here!Note: This meeting is being held at Syphax Education Center, located at 2110 Washington Blvd.
Business Tangible Personal Property Tax: 703-228-3060
County Business License: 703-228-3060
Countywide Information and Referral: 703-228-3000
Customer Assessment and Payment Portal (CAPP): 703-228-4000
Estimated Income Tax: 703-228-3055
Parking Tickets Review Office: 703-228-0780
Real Estate Assessments: 703-228-3920
Real Estate Payments:703-228-4000
Real Estate Tax Relief: 703-228-1350
State Income Taxes: 703-228-3055
Taxpayer Hotline: 703-228-4000
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf: 703-228-4611
Vehicle Personal Property Tax Assessments: 703-228-3135
“I firmly believe in the importance of collaboration with the citizens of Arlington County in our search for new ways to provide exceptional customer service.”
Carla de la Pava’s Bio
Delinquency Report to the Board 11.17.2020
To see Carla’s presentation from the Arlington County website, her portion is from minute 39:50 through 57:04, with additional content and Q&A until 1:13:14 and is viewable here.
Make Payments Online
March 1: Business License Tax filing and payment due
May 1: Deadline for filing Business Tangible Property Tax return
June 15: 1st Installment Real Estate Tax due
June 15: 2nd Installment of Business License Tax due (for qualifying businesses only)
Treasurer’s Office 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 201 Arlington, Virginia 22201
703-228-4000 Fax 703-228-7436 TTY 703-228-4611
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.